Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

I was helping a friend find some young barred rock pullets.I found an add on craigslist and gave him a call. This is what I said " I found an add on craigslist w/t some barred rock pullets for sale" He says " so are they pullets or barred rocks?"
"Is that a chicken!!!!???"

- When my friend saw my Polish
OMG I took my Polish into Petsmart too. Alot of people thought he was some kind of exotic bird. When I told them he was a chicken the conversation went from way cool I want one, to what are you going to do with that. People always think because I have chickens I live on a farm. When I tell them I live in the city they are amazed. As far as stupid things people have said my SIL takes the cake. My SIL is a sweetie and I love her dearly but but sometimes she can be a few cents short of a dollar. I have NN's she has seen my NN's, a few weeks ago she was over and come running up to tell me something is wrong with 2 of my chickens, she thinks they are getting picked on, so I go running over to where she was to only see my NN's. Really Patty? How many times have you seen them? They are fine supposed to look like that.
When we first got chickens, we would put a rooster in with them at spring to 'restart their egg laying'.
That was our rookie mistake. Now my grandmother (who had chickens when my dad was a kid, too) can't understand how we get so many eggs because our roosters are separated from our hens.

My grandmother's friend is afraid of our 'turkeys'. She was referring to our chickens when she said that.

And he thinks I don't realize this, but my sister's boyfriend (who is staying with us for a visit because he lives out of state) is afraid of our eggs because they aren't store bought. We offered to let him take some home when he started to say it, so I looked at him with interest and his sentence ended up as: "I'm afraid of--me and eggs."

And then, when he realized all our egg dishes are made with our girls' eggs, he suddenly 'doesn't like eggs' anymore. Oh, well.

(Edited for clarity.
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It's a pun.

pasteurized = "Past your eyes"

I've found the second person in the world who truly understands me.

I got it! Laughed so hard, had tears. And wondered if any of my facebook friends would get it (probably not, they think I am the crazy chicken lady).
That seems to be the most popular confused statement I've heard.
Egg customers (mostly men
) will say I see you have some Roosters, so you must be getting a lot of eggs. Then I think to myself "Oh another confused soul"
Gently, I explain to them that female chickens, Hens, have a certain amount of eggs inside them and they will lay them with or without a Rooster. Hens only need a Rooster to fertilize the eggs.
You can see the mild embarrassment when the light bulb goes off in their head and they "get it"

Almost always the next question is the eggs must be fertile and have chicks inside them. Then I explain that procedure. Heat triggers the embryo to grow, etc etc.
Pretty sure when they get home they go straight to Google
I didn't hear this one, but my father did:

My father had given eggs to his friend, and his friend took them home and started using them when his wife said, "Are those eggs from chickens? I don't want those, I want the ones from the factory."

Sorry it's not much detail, it's been a while since I've heard that story.

And one I heard myself:

I was talking to a friend and he asked what chickens where like I said their sweet, smart, cute, ect.
Then he said, Oh, well, I thought they just ran in a circle going bawk, bawk, bawk.

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Lots of people think that all ducks need to have their wings clipped or they'll fly away. They don't seem to understand about selective breeding's ability to ruin the aerodynamic qualities of waterfowl.

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