Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

Oh my gosh. That makes me sooo mad!
They have NO clue, and they're not even thankful.
It's so stupid when people that come to visit and see my chickens freak out when they see that we eat the eggs. They scream" Isn't there a baby in that!?'' Just cracks me up
This happened at our County Fair:
Fair Patron admiring a friend's donkeys. "How many donkeys come in a litter?"

My friend trying to contain laughter. "Um, just one and it is called a foal."
Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! We chuckled about that for a LONG time.
x2. My mom and fiance try to tell me every week or two that my ducks will be flying away soon. I have a khaki campbell and 2 anconas. Nothing I say can convince them otherwise.
My mom, who grew up on a farm in Iowa (but the only chickens they had were meat birds) has also tried telling me I need a rooster for eggs and I have to feed the hens layer feed for them to lay eggs.
i hate when they say that too or when they say "their ur pet?!" nope they r my slave to make me some eggs so i can have breakfast no duh they r my pets and i love each and everyone of them. and also hate it when my stepdad says they r stupid but i tell u what i bet my chickens could finish a maze way faster then him lol just cuz they have small brains doesnt mean their stupid parrets have small brains and they can be as smart as 3 year olds. Also hate when my mom like "ur not right in the head sitting out there with them chickens thats just not normal"
i guess all us chicken lovers r not normal cuz i know im not the only one that likes to watch my babies eat and play
I find it funny that some people think that all cows are milk cows. I was telling a new person in town that we raise beef cows. Well she came by to see my chickens and asked where our milk barn was. I told her we didn't raise dairy cows but only beef cows. She just looked at me with a puzzled look and said I thought all cows were milked. I said well I guess you could try if you had to, but I wouldn't want to be the person trying to milk one of our cows. And then she asked me well how do they get the different percentages? She thought different breeds of cows gave weaker milk--- Whole, 2%, 1%, skim etc. wow...

oh and I crack up every time someone asks me if I have brown eggs or white- and I tell them brown, blue, pink, and some brown spotted. Their eyes get big and say I only want the brown ones, they are the best. umm okay.

oh and my mom about had a heart attack when I told her we were eating our duck eggs. She thought I had went nuts.

AND I can't stand it when people say that farmers are just dumb and poor.

I had a lady at the grocery store comment on my purchases... I told her that I was getting ready to can a bunch of stuff for winter. She just looked at me and blinked. Then she said People still do that? Why? umm to save money and eat healthy... then she went on to whine about having to take her little house dog outside to go potty in this heat and how she wished it would cool down. I said no kidding, I have about 40 meat rabbits and almost 100 chickens that I have to keep cool. She looked at me flabbergasted and said Meat Rabbits? You actually eat rabbit? I told her that we don't eat too many of them since the freezers are full, but there is a good market for them.... I think she thought I was something else.
My town is small. I live in a rural area, so a lot of people at least have some sort of livestock, whether it be cows (lots of cows!), horses, chickens, etc.
I love going into the local TSC. The farmers there can be crude and such, but I like them. I'm not really their type, but... I enjoy going there. I don't have to worry about the holes in my jeans or whether my T-shirt has stains on it.

Okay... that was slightly off-topic, but I had to say it.
IKR?! It is so stinkin' awesome. Only we have a co-op. And My Dad knows like EVERYBODY so random farmers will stop in to chat. Suspenders clipped to their jeans, ratty shirts, holes in their jeans.....lol.

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