Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

Large houses with no way for light or air flow to get in, where they keep thousands of meat chickens. The birds die all the time, poop on each other, eat poop infested feed. have almost no water. Can barely walk because there are so many of them and they are packed into a small space. They never move the houses to give the birds fresh grass or anything like that. It's awful.

Not true of modern houses. They have lights and are timed to be on a daily schedule. Large fans to move air. Curtains on the sides of the houses that raise and lower when the weather allows.Their feed is augured in and in hanging feeders not just sitting around. They raise and lower the feeders to keep them clean. They are pretty packed in there but they have room to move around and aint standing on top of each other. People have to go in there and clean daily. The biggest problem is the birds have been bred to grow so fast they have heart attacks. That will be an issue if you have 400 birds in a house or 1 bird on 400 acres but they are meat birds so nobody really cares.

I don't support the practice but I have a buddy that has 3 large broiler houses. (Well had, they are being rebuilt right now.) I've been in and out of broiler houses. It's the layer houses that are way worse.
Not true of modern houses. They have lights and are timed to be on a daily schedule. Large fans to move air. Their feed is augured in and in hanging feeders not just sitting around. They raise and lower the feeders to keep them clean. They are pretty packed in there but they have room to move around and aint standing on top of each other. People have to go in there and clean daily. The biggest problem is the birds have been bred to grow so fast they have heart attacks. That will be an issue if you have 400 birds in a house or 1 bird on 400 acres but they are meat birds so nobody really cares.

I don't support the practice but I have a buddy that has 3 large broiler houses. (Well had, they are being rebuilt right now.) I've been in and out of broiler houses. It's the layer houses that are way worse.
Some of the modern ones are better but they are still cruel.
Yeah, but places like where I live, "buying local" is buying from a store that has them shipped in anyways. Unless you just want white leghorns. Those are common to find on craigslist.

The main thing though is that it's not cruel. If it were cruel, it wouldn't be legal
Well, factory raised eggs are legal...and cruel...
edited: jinx! just saw this! & of course can’t link to the poster that beat me to it...sorry!
Some of the modern ones are better but they are still cruel.

Still most of what you repeated is lies spread by nutcases like peta. Just think if they actually didn't have any light or air in there that would kill the chickens. The ammonia build up over a month would kill them. They go through a great deal to make sure they have clean feed, water, and the ones around here use rice hull bedding. Tyson want large edible birds not small corpses. The conditions you made it sound like the birds wouldn't move so they wouldn't build mass. They wouldn't eat and be sick so they would be scrawny and not pass any health checks. Feeding chickens for months just to be forced to put them in a hole in the ground doesn't make them money.
Still most of what you repeated is lies spread by nutcases like peta. Just think if they actually didn't have any light or air in there that would kill the chickens. The ammonia build up over a month would kill them. They go through a great deal to make sure they have clean feed, water, and the ones around here use rice hull bedding. Tyson want large edible birds not small corpses. The conditions you made it sound like the birds wouldn't move so they wouldn't build mass. They wouldn't eat and be sick so they would be scrawny and not pass any health checks. Feeding chickens for months just to be forced to put them in a hole in the ground doesn't make them money.
Have you watched any farm documentaries? The chickens do not have what I would consider a happy and fulfilling life before they are killed. And there are many casualties, birds that are crushed by other birds, or whose legs stop working because they get too heavy. Not to mention they throw crates of chickens in, literally throw them. I’m not a fan.

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