Dumbest Things People Have SaidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜±

The one that gets my eyes rolling is any user that posts an obvious problem (like my day old chicks that I just got at the farm store and keep in a cardboard box in the garage keep dying) and then ignore all subsequent advice by claiming that they can't do "x", is "y" ok instead? then post follow ups that the rest are dead, too.
I hate this and when someone does it on this or any site Iā€™ve been on, I just ignore all future posts And threads, why waste my time? Like, ā€œI keep my hamster in a tiny cage with tubes it canā€™t fit in, but I take it out every night for an hour so it gets lots of free time.ā€ 23 hours in a 1 foot square pen is like a month in solitary confinement with 1 day in the yard, and then right back to solitary for an animal that only lives 2 years. Or ā€œI donā€™t have chick feed, so Iā€™m giving my chicks dry oatmeal and theyā€™re dying, what can I do?ā€ Buy chick starter. ā€œI canā€™t because (insert reason) do you think the rest will be ok?ā€ No. Goes and makes a new thread and complains everyone attacks them.
I hate this and when someone does it on this or any site Iā€™ve been on, I just ignore all future posts And threads, why waste my time? Like, ā€œI keep my hamster in a tiny cage with tubes it canā€™t fit in, but I take it out every night for an hour so it gets lots of free time.ā€ 23 hours in a 1 foot square pen is like a month in solitary confinement with 1 day in the yard, and then right back to solitary for an animal that only lives 2 years. Or ā€œI donā€™t have chick feed, so Iā€™m giving my chicks dry oatmeal and theyā€™re dying, what can I do?ā€ Buy chick starter. ā€œI canā€™t because (insert reason) do you think the rest will be ok?ā€ No. Goes and makes a new thread and complains everyone attacks them.

Or the yearly I bought chicks but can't afford feed, heat lamp, and keeping them in a shoebox under my bed. Why won't they shut up. I live in an apartment and my neighbors are getting mad.
"99.9 percent of chickens for meat, 97 percent of laying hens, 99 percent of turkeys, 95 percent of pigs, and 78 percent of cattle
In NY where I live thereā€™s a beef farm right up the road from me. I actually never thought about factory farming beef. I thought the majority, if not all, came from farmers. But Iā€™ve lived by this farm all my life and I guess that isnā€™t practical.

To add to the topic at hand:
My neighbor when I gave him eggs: ā€œThey might be fertilized. You have a rooster.ā€

Me: ā€œI know theyā€™re fertilized.ā€

Neighbor: ā€œThere could be a baby chick inside. I should refrigerate them right away right?ā€

Me: ā€œYou donā€™t have to since it takes certain conditions for them to develop.ā€

Neighbor: ā€œI found a chick once in an egg when I worked in a restaurant. They need to be refrigerated.ā€

Me: ā€œOkay.ā€
Why ask if you werenā€™t going to take my advice?
I know someone who doesn't eat eggs because she doesn't like the way those chickens are raised, and because she doesn't want to eat fertile eggs. So, I offered her some of my eggs because my chickens are well taken care of, and they weren't fertile (I didn't have any roosters at that time.) She said no, because she would be killing a baby chick. I said I don't have a rooster, so there is no way a chick could develop in the eggs. She still refused. šŸ˜‚
You, too? Can I join your lawsuit?
I'm sorry to tell you about the outcome of my lawsuit against Mother Nature re: the bloody monthly disturbance to my life. She delayed and delayed and delayed the proceedings. Filed motion after motion. On and on she went!

Finally, the disturbances stopped, and she claimed I had to drop the suit. :barnie What did I get out of this? Thinning bones! Grey hair! Wrinkles!

You can't win against Mother Nature. The 8itch will get you every time!
I'm sorry to tell you about the outcome of my lawsuit against Mother Nature re: the bloody monthly disturbance to my life. She delayed and delayed and delayed the proceedings. Filed motion after motion. On and on she went!

Finally, the disturbances stopped, and she claimed I had to drop the suit. :barnie What did I get out of this? Thinning bones! Grey hair! Wrinkles!

You can't win against Mother Nature. The 8itch will get you every time!
I mean it's not that bad.... plus I want kids and you can't have one without the other. So... oh well šŸ™ƒ

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