Dumbest Things People Have SaidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜±

Iā€™ve never killed a thing in my life. Except maybe a spider. And I even feel bad when I do that.
Even if someone had a gun to my head I donā€™t know if I could kill them.
No person is completely bad. I know I sound cheesy right now, but I would feel unimaginable horrible if I killed someone. I donā€™t want to have a gun.
No one in my household even owns one.
You probably would at least knock them out. When your brain triggers to your body that you are close to a sudden death, your body sends out immence amounts of Adreneline, which gives you incredible strength and speed. Once, a middle- aged woman wrestled a polar bear to the ground to save some kids. Another time, another mom lifted a Chevy Impala 8 inches off the ground to save her kids.
Iā€™ve never killed a thing in my life. Except maybe a spider. And I even feel bad when I do that.
Even if someone had a gun to my head I donā€™t know if I could kill them.
No person is completely bad. I know I sound cheesy right now, but I would feel unimaginable horrible if I killed someone. I donā€™t want to have a gun.
No one in my household even owns one.
I don't want to kill someone either. But would you rather kill someone, or have your entire family killed?
If someone had a gun to my kids head, thereā€™s no way in heck they would live if I had any kind of weapon to kill them. I am NOT a violent person, but there is no way I could live with myself if I DIDNT protect my kid.
If you had a gun, you could stop that person BEFORE the gun was at your kid's head, and also, there are ways you can kick the gun out of his hand before he shoots your kid. But that would not stop him. You have to be close to effectively use martial arts.
You can teach people how to be responsible, but they won't always take it to heart. That's what happens with car accidents, yet we aren't banning cars. That's what happens with any weapon, really.
The problem is the person, not the weapon. Deal with the dangerous people properly and let normal people (the vast majority of people) keep their firearms. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to go toe-to-toe with a bear if it's trying to get into my chicken coop. I'm putting lead in its face, like my father did to one several years ago in order to protect our livestock.
Good point!

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