Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Our worst predators are foxes and the foxes couldn't care less whether a chicken has a name or not.  No, they're smarter than that.  They figure out exactly how much, if anything you've paid for each and every chicken or which chickens are the absolute favorites.  Then those are the ones they go after. Someone muct be feeding them the information.

They do tend to have rather expensive taste, don't they?
Our worst predators are foxes and the foxes couldn't care less whether a chicken has a name or not.  No, they're smarter than that.  They figure out exactly how much, if anything you've paid for each and every chicken or which chickens are the absolute favorites.  Then those are the ones they go after. Someone muct be feeding them the information.

Lol I don't doubt it. All my chickens cost about the same but I had only named a few favorites so that is how I figured out not to name them anymore. I agree, someone must feed them that info because it's not like I put name tags or special bracelets on them.
Sorry but chickens don't have a uterus so no they don't have anything resembling menstruation (which is the shedding of the lining of the uterus). If you used ovulation as an example that would make more sense as it's the release of an egg. Telling people that laying an egg is like a woman having her period it is perpetuating stupidity instead of educating. It also is bound to gross people out as food and menstruation aren't exactly things that go hand in hand.

I agree and my thoughts exactly. Some diagrams do have the shell gland as akin to the uterus, though. The process is still not like menstruation though.

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Plucking is not that hard. Heat water (I'm not sure how hot as DH somehow knows exactly when it's right by testing it with his finger), dunk dead chicken, swish, start picking. We picked ours this summer pretty much by just swiping our hands over the birds. Tail and wing feathers are sometimes a little harder to get out. You can go over to the Meat Birds section and find out exact water temperature for scalding.
Plucking is not that hard. Heat water (I'm not sure how hot as DH somehow knows exactly when it's right by testing it with his finger), dunk dead chicken, swish, start picking. We picked ours this summer pretty much by just swiping our hands over the birds. Tail and wing feathers are sometimes a little harder to get out. You can go over to the Meat Birds section and find out exact water temperature for scalding.
Sorry but very aware how very arthritic fingers

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