Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

This was two guys, one stayed in the vehicle. I stepped outside, explained signs and gates and their purposes. I wondered aloud at his boldness and questionable intelligence. I showed him through the gate, "You hear those dogs barking? They are not friendly. I am not friendly. Those signs and gates are for YOUR protection" It made me very uncomfortable. Usually people park outside the fence, honk, and ask to buy eggs, I am friendly to THEM.....in a later conversation with another neighbor, I found out they were two guys who work together, an uncle-nephew team that steal things like weed eaters, tillers, etc. They were most likely on a scouting mission. It's made me feel uneasy. :/

Yeah, I was thinking that they were "casing the joint". Happened to me once when I was still living in Miami, back in the '80's. Anyone creeping around in the dark without permission should be assumed to be up to no good, until proven otherwise. I hate to be so jaded, but that's the world we now live in. To believe otherwise is naive. The news verifies that every day, unfortunately.
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OK, I am a weird, kind of reclusive non social kind of person. I have a little fence, and some signs. Beware of dog and no trespassing and keep out. I think I will have to make a sign that says SERIOUSLY, I REALLY MEAN IT because this afternoon someone just opened my gate and came up and knocked on my door and asked could they buy some of my chickens. 1. I don't like people I don't know coming through that gate, and 2. 'Could I buy some of your chickens?' is one of the dumbest things someone could ask me.

Nah, you're just an introvert who's seen enough to be less trusting - just like me. Welcome to the club. :frow
Most of these stories are about people shocked about eating your own chickens; but for me, it's usually the other way around. The conversation usually goes like:

"Aw, what cute baby chickies!"
"Actually they're more than a year old. These are silkies."
"Oh. So when will you eat them?"
"Never! These are pets." (I have no problem with people raising and eating chickens, mine are just pets)
"Oh. OK. So will you eat them when they can't lay?"
"Aren't you gonna at least kill and eat the roosters?"
"What about the fatter hens?"
"So.. do they lay a ton of eggs?"
"Actually they're pretty bad layers."
"OK... so when will you eat them?"
They don't get that they are really just pets!

Were you having this conversation with Hannibal Lechter, by chance? (Silence of the Lambs)
Wow that's worse then :/

Why would he lie?

He lied in an effort to make it look like it wasn't his fault that the chicks had no water and were dying. Shows he understood just how stupid and cruel it made him look. So, the lie was a failed effort to save his (self) image. I'd report him to corporate. He may be a manager, but he has a boss; probably a region director, or some such who wouldn't like hearing about this jerk's behavior toward the chicks OR the customers.
Wait really!? They can!? I honestly didn't know that either, I always heard it was mixed in

I just learned it a couple of years ago when one of my Buff Orps peed on me every time I picked her up. She got nervous or excited - just like a puppy. I quickly learned to hold her away from me, and had no idea this could happen.
He lied in an effort to make it look like it wasn't his fault that the chicks had no water and were dying. Shows he understood just how stupid and cruel it made him look. So, the lie was a failed effort to save his (self) image. I'd report him to corporate. He may be a manager, but he has a boss; probably a region director, or some such who wouldn't like hearing about this jerk's behavior toward the chicks OR the customers.

That makes sense then, seems most people lie when they're afraid of something, but in this case it just made him look worse. And I agree, he definitely should be reported. He's probably done it to other chicks too, maybe even killing them that time, he can't be left unpunished. More animals will suffer :( should be fired or at least retrained
I just learned it a couple of years ago when one of my Buff Orps peed on me every time I picked her up. She got nervous or excited - just like a puppy. I quickly learned to hold her away from me, and had no idea this could happen.

Oh wow that's hilarious! Maybe not for you but had no idea chickens could do that lol
The things I've had to educate feed store employees about could fill a book. One guy wants to grow a garden inside his chicken run. He insisted that 'Of course they will eat some of it, but they won't be able to eat everything.' Yes they will. They are worse than a plague of locusts

:lau Boy, ain't that the truth? Guess he'll have to learn the hard way - like the rest of us. I have fencing EVERYWHERE!

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