Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Well, as you know, the egg supply waxes and wanes, and we're in a period of wane, right now as these 5 girls get older. Thus, the new flock. I'm currently getting about 2 eggs per day, but that's more than enough for just me, so I hand out the leftovers. I've never intended to keep the neighbors in eggs so they'd never have to buy any; I just wanted to buy their silence about the girls, which I have. ;) Everyone pretty much likes having them around, listening to their soft clucks, and they keep the bug population down. They'll till the soil, too. :D I'm not so sure they'd appreciate roosters, though, and neither would I, so I don't have any. Plus, I had a pretty little coop built so as not to mar the look of the neighborhood. It fits in nicely with my little cottage with it's white picket fence. Everyone has come by to see it. No McMansions here, just a nice, well kept, quiet little street.

Glad you looked up bucolic; how about pastoral, as in a pastoral setting or a pastoral painting. An enriched vocabulary is a wonderful thing. It helps us better express ideas and makes our words richer. With all the technology and "tech speak", I feel society is losing a lot of the richness of the language. Rather than dropping so much, why can't the new just be added on to the old? It needn't be a matter of one or the other.

Oh. BTW. You used a term in another post that I'm not familiar with. I think it's part of the new vocabulary. I'll have to edit to go find it. Be right back.

Found it: space shotty??

Ahhh yes, that one. I don't think that's necessarily a new term as much as me making up words :oops:

The original was space shot, which my mom says, got it from her.

Anyway, it's kind of like being not all there/not really thinking things through, etc.
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Ahhh yes, that one. I don't think that's necessarily a new term as much as me making up words :oops:s

The original was space shot, which my mom says, got it from her.

Anyway, it's kind of like being not all there/not really thinking things through, etc.

I've got it: spacey. I thought it must be something like that. Cultural Anthropology was my minor- I almost had a second major in it. Good stuff.

BTW. Where in MASS? I was born in Worcester.
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I've got it: spacey. I thought it must be something like that. Cultural Anthropology was my minor- I almost had a second major in it. Good stuff.

BTW. Where in MASS? I was born in Worcester.

Yeah, that's it! In fact, my mom says that one too :gig Wow really!? I like it a lot, I'm just taking the one class but the professor is really cool and fun and teaches like all the psych classes too and some basic sociology ones. I'm majoring in behavioral science right now but figured this class would be fun and it has been :)

And Duxbury!

We have more in common than I thought :)
Yeah, they're a good bunch. We're all around the same age ... only 2 of us still work and we'll be retired in another year. No kids live here, all of ours are grown, 2 never had any. Some of us play cards together. Most of us garden and exchange plants and know-how. We go in together when work needs to be done, like paving the top of our driveways because visiting citiots don't know how to climb a gravel driveway without destroying it - we couldn't get anyone to do the work on just one driveway. But, most importantly, I share my eggs! Bribery works and It's hard to complain about the chickens that are providing your breakfast. Besides, most of them feel the chickens add a bucolic touch to our neighborhood. As I said, it's a dead end street with only 6 houses, each on an acre of land. We're all move-ins, no locals, so have to band together. Many grew up with chickens as kids, so like having them around without having to care for them. I'm the second house from the end, so there's no traffic, except for the next door neighbor who's at the very end.

It's the perfect place for me and my girls!

PS. I've got 8 babies in the garage that will be added to the 5 mature girls in a few weeks, so I'll have plenty more eggs very soon. Plus, I have to confess that my next door neighbor (puts out the corn for the deer) gets mad when the girls scratch up his pine straw when the cheap-o puts a handful around the base of a tree, but his wife loves the girls and is their babysitter when one is needed, so she handles him. "Have another dozen eggs!" :D. Besides, I put up with their dog barking for years, and babysit their pets, so he owes me.

Wow i would love to have neighbors like that. I'm 25 but I make a point of befriending people who are much older and wiser than I. One of my dear friends is in her 60s and I help her plant her garden every year in excange for her knowledge. She introduced me to the lovable side of chickens, taught me to garden, cook from scratch, can all kinds of things and gives great life advice to boot. If I could live out in the country surrounded by people like her I would be in haven. She even answered all my dumb chicken questions.
Wow i would love to have neighbors like that. I'm 25 but I make a point of befriending people who are much older and wiser than I. One of my dear friends is in her 60s and I help her plant her garden every year in excange for her knowledge. She introduced me to the lovable side of chickens, taught me to garden, cook from scratch, can all kinds of things and gives great life advice to boot. If I could live out in the country surrounded by people like her I would be in haven. She even answered all my dumb chicken questions.

I've been teaching the same to my neighbors so, at 25, you're way ahead of the game! Good for you! When I hear the younger women today say, "I don't cook", it really saddens me. They and their families are missing out on so much: good smells emanating from the kitchen when they come home, a husband looking over your shoulder to see what smells so good, knowing someone loved them enough to spend the time and effort on them, healthy food that isn't going to give them diabetes, and adult children looking forward to going home for the holidays and to mom's cooking. What a shame. It's like the death of a close family member. Families were built around the dinner table. Now, kids eat in the backseat of the car. No wonder they haven't learned any table manners, or to chip in around the house by helping to clear the table and do the dishes. Makes me thankful that I'm old.

BTW. Be sure to pass on any of your friend's tips.
Yeah, that's it! In fact, my mom says that one too :gig Wow really!? I like it a lot, I'm just taking the one class but the professor is really cool and fun and teaches like all the psych classes too and some basic sociology ones. I'm majoring in behavioral science right now but figured this class would be fun and it has been :)

And Duxbury!

We have more in common than I thought :)

Wow! You're on the way to the Cape. Send lobstahs!! All they have down here are crayfish and grits. :sick Back in the mid 1960's to early 1970's, I flew for NE Airlines. You won't know who they were, but your parents might and your grandparents definitely will. The NE "Yellowbirds", Boston's airline. They painted the planes to look like a half peeled banana. Oy!

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