Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Not exactly a dumbest thing said but a dumbest chicken related story.....
When i was a teen i had a lady from up the road that had a couple ducks decided she wanted some chickens. She decided it would be fun to hatch some eggs and knew i raised chicks and hatched a lot of eggs.
We talked for a while about where to get an incubator and the whole incubating process and she had mentioned she had been reading up on everything. I gave her two dozen eggs.
A little after a week later she stopped by and said none of her eggs hatched. Mentioned she had trouble with getting any humidity to hold. And she wanted more eggs. A t first i thought she had given up on the eggs because of the humidity issue and i was asking if they were still in the incubator and if so to not give up just yet.
She then blew my mind when she mentioned not having an incubator. She said you said to keep it at 100° for 21 days. We didnt want to wait that long so we used our oven and set it at 300° so they should of hatched in 7 days and yesterday was day 7 so i dont think theyre gonna hatch.

Now, I'm no expert, but I think she may be right; they ain't gonna hatch.

Idk. She may not want to give up on them too soon lol. Its only been 30 years or so lol.

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