Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Yep inhaling too much chicken dust & eating too much eggs

LOL stop doing that chicken drug then :p
When I showed a neighbor my newly hatched ducklings, she asked "when ducklings grow up they turn into chickens, right?"

This really cracked me up.

Oh my!!!!! Oh wow! Hahhahhahahahahha. This one brings me to tears both laughing and for fear for the human race. Lol all those evolutionists must think we're de-evolving as a species. Lol wow wow wow
Oh my!!!!! Oh wow! Hahhahhahahahahha. This one brings me to tears both laughing and for fear for the human race. Lol all those evolutionists must think we're de-evolving as a species. Lol wow wow wow
thinking we need to all take our chickens move to one state only intelligent chickens people

ok semi intelligent need spellcheck

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