Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

You can grow a cornish cross to butcher weight in that same five weeks if you let it stuff itself on unlimited feed, just like the feedlots do. Of course that's how you get the birds that grow so fast they cripple themselves or die of heart stress.... just like in the feed lots. Conscientious producers limit the feed and let them pasture, and they end up with the same bird but healthier and happier at 8-12 weeks. Growing them out at five is about maximizing profit. Letting them be chickens is about being a person with a heart and a brain that doesn't only live inside your pocket book.
Everytime I get a slightly 'odd' egg (wrong color, weird shape, very big or small, or weird surface texture) my city-raised husband says "incubate it and see what you get!"
I had to explain to my usually very smart hubby that an odd 'paint job' doesn't mean the DNA of the chick is any different.

And you snicker about gluten free corn? EVERY domesticated crop or farm product is genetically modified! Has been for millinnia, up till now they just used a slower, clumsier method[ they called it "selective breeding". That corn you speak of cannot even reproduce itself successfully without our help. Left to it's own the breed would probably be extinct in a very few decades.

Even your dog is genetically modified wolf.
Genetically modified, these days, refers to splicing genes from one species with another, incompatible, species in a lab. Selective breeding is a far cry from today's GMOs.
Corn chips with a gluten-free label on them. Makes me laugh everytime I see it. Of course they are gluten free. Corn doesn't have gluten to begin with.
Commercial poultry farms don't actually own the birds. The corporations like Tyson and Butterball actually own the birds. The farms are paid to raise the chicks till they are market weight. The breeding program for Cornish Cross is a heavily guarded industry secret. Nobody knows exactly what has gone into the breeding lines. Chicks can be purchased from most hatcheries, though.
Cornish Cross are not genetically engineered or given any sort of hormones, but they are bred to grow incredibly fast and can be market weight in as little as 6 weeks.

I love the gluten free labels as much as you do...if people only knew how many things that are labels gluten free that never had gluten to begin with BUT
I did watch a neat doc on Netflix about this same thing..it was great..if only I can rem the name of it...
Yes this is one of the factory hatcheries I visited they wouldn't let me in the door but ask anyway they dont sell to the public that was a few years ago because I was thinking about raising some then

Ohhh okay! That makes sense. Where are you located? All hatcheries or most sell meat birds, both Cornish Crosses and rangers/other varieties. You can try Googling ones near you. But the major hatcheries are probably Cackle, Ideal, Meyer, Murray McMurray, Dunlap, etc
Ohhh okay! That makes sense. Where are you located? All hatcheries or most sell meat birds, both Cornish Crosses and rangers/other varieties. You can try Googling ones near you. But the major hatcheries are probably Cackle, Ideal, Meyer, Murray McMurray, Dunlap, etc
Also should mention that the facilities that house the breeding populations are not always the same place that they do the incubating. And most of the time, breeding facilities are closed to visitors due to biosecurity issues.
No you don't understand I know where the hatchery is for the broiler houses here in this region. And know where the processing house is and have friends and old work colliegues that I have talked about trying to get birds a few years ago it's not hatcheries that sell to public but a hatchery that hatches just for broiler houses and chicken factories you as a person cannot go and purchase any chick,feed or grown bird unless it has been processed and on the shelf in a grocery store. I'm not looking for a hatchery to buy some birds just saying that it's odd to have birds from hatch to store in less than a 6 weeks. That peta goes after us for being cruel butchering a few birds for personal consumption saying that we are no better than the mass growers and treat our birds the same when we raise ours for meat and eggs.
No I got that they didn't sell to the public but I had thought you were still wanting to raise meat birds so was trying to suggest other hatcheries that would sell them to you. Sorry, I must have gotten that wrong, maybe you don't want to raise any anymore? But yes, it is definitely weird they grow so fast, doesnt seem natural. And I hate how PETA lumps everyone together

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