Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

"It's just a chicken,"
I had someone inform me that my breeding Iowa Blue hens were "just chickens", and that you could just purchase any chicken for like, $2. It was after their dog killed 13 of my birds and ripped all the feathers off one of my show-bird's back, and we caught it in the act. Made me even more mad, but thankfully they did, albeit begrudgingly, foot the bill of $300. The next day they came back with a letter that detailed how their dog couldn't have killed the chickens because the dog: hadn't been trained to hunt, had never killed a chicken before, was only loose for an hour, is a white dog and didn't look to have blood on it, and is afraid of CATS. Yeah, some people can't hear themselves talk. Or they do pretty well to ignore common sense.
I had someone inform me that my breeding Iowa Blue hens were "just chickens", and that you could just purchase any chicken for like, $2. It was after their dog killed 13 of my birds and ripped all the feathers off one of my show-bird's back, and we caught it in the act. Made me even more mad, but thankfully they did, albeit begrudgingly, foot the bill of $300. The next day they came back with a letter that detailed how their dog couldn't have killed the chickens because the dog: hadn't been trained to hunt, had never killed a chicken before, was only loose for an hour, is a white dog and didn't look to have blood on it, and is afraid of CATS. Yeah, some people can't hear themselves talk. Or they do pretty well to ignore common sense.

Grrrrr some people's children make me soooooo mad! We don't even bother if we find a dog(s) in the chickens. They get two chances. First shot is a BB in the behind. If they come back again, it's a 22 in the brain. I would think when a pet comes home in near rural settings with a BB in it, you might suspect it's been out where it shouldn't have been, and take rectifying actions.
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I had someone inform me that my breeding Iowa Blue hens were "just chickens", and that you could just purchase any chicken for like, $2. It was after their dog killed 13 of my birds and ripped all the feathers off one of my show-bird's back, and we caught it in the act. Made me even more mad, but thankfully they did, albeit begrudgingly, foot the bill of $300. The next day they came back with a letter that detailed how their dog couldn't have killed the chickens because the dog: hadn't been trained to hunt, had never killed a chicken before, was only loose for an hour, is a white dog and didn't look to have blood on it, and is afraid of CATS. Yeah, some people can't hear themselves talk. Or they do pretty well to ignore common sense.

Unbelievable! It makes me mad as all, I am not a cat person, but if something happened to a cat I would never say that it was just a cat. Humans are very quick to forget we to are animals, we don't speak chicken, dog cat horse etc, just like they don't speak our language, they are living breathing creatures along with us, and deserve respect as much as humans do. Might as well say that oh well it's just a human being that was knocked off. That is the equivalent to me as saying it's just a chicken. Animals (for me at least) provide me with much much more then I have had with most, (not all) humans, they provide me with entertainment, food, affection and respect. More then a cat has ever done for me LOL. Their is no longer such a thing as common sense in my eyes, It's rare sense, common is no longer common.
Hats off to you for remaining as calm as you did with that incident as I would have lost the plot! Every dog has a hunting instinct in them, our dogs have never been trained to hunt etc, and we caught one of ours chasing one around the back yard, he has learned very quickly not to do it again, and in saying that we have NEVER trusted any of our dogs around little ones or animals that could potentially be hunted and kill. Even though they have never killed anything and are also scared of cats!
What got me mad at the idiot animal controll officer here the first two times my chickens were attacked ( this last one was the third time) that if I shoot the dog I would go to jail well this last time when he came my pistol was on my side he called the marshals out here about it they looked at me and said next time just shoot the dogs your protecting your livestock oh the AC officer got mad but it's the law here you can protect your livestock!!
What got me mad at the idiot animal controll officer here the first two times my chickens were attacked ( this last one was the third time) that if I shoot the dog I would go to jail well this last time when he came my pistol was on my side he called the marshals out here about it they looked at me and said next time just shoot the dogs your protecting your livestock oh the AC officer got mad but it's the law here you can protect your livestock!!

Awesome to hear! I am an animal lover, but comes down to it, it's man v beast. I will take to any animal attacking mine, (and out here they attack all sorts of small animals) especially if it is more then a once of, and. Especially the **** magpies! Everyone here in OZ go on about how they are native to OZa, but they breed in abundance, and their are way too many. They have attacked my chickens, dogs even saw a wallaby getting hammered by them. My poor chickens were to scared to come out of their coup, and it's all year round, no nest near by, nothing. I tried to get the right people out here to move them away. They wouldn't do anything about it, so their are quite a few less magpies around now, and it's one big happy family!
We have crows that will catch chicks and just fly away with them I have gotten good at shooting them in flight but we have hawks and owls that are endangered but I have ways to scare them off
Awesome to hear! I am an animal lover, but comes down to it, it's man v beast. I will take to any animal attacking mine, (and out here they attack all sorts of small animals) especially if it is more then a once of, and. Especially the **** magpies! Everyone here in OZ go on about how they are native to OZa, but they breed in abundance, and their are way too many. They have attacked my chickens, dogs even saw a wallaby getting hammered by them. My poor chickens were to scared to come out of their coup, and it's all year round, no nest near by, nothing. I tried to get the right people out here to move them away. They wouldn't do anything about it, so their are quite a few less magpies around now, and it's one big happy family!
Oh and welcome to the site always wanted to visit down under
Oh and welcome to the site always wanted to visit down under

Yes We have eagles.... BIG eagles, but they just do their thing, so no prob's about that. Magpies definitely not endangered lol, I have become quite a good marks men with the sling shot, now mind you if people from OZ read this they will loose their crap! Oz is great if you don't go to the big cities! They are nothing but go go go, hurry up don't smile YUCK! I live bush way in central vic and love it. It's true what they say, we have many Kangaroos in our back yard at night, along with echidnas and black wallabies bouncing around the place. But in saying that I am hanging to go to the states, a lot of family and history lies their waiting for me to see
Yea I understand that we both live in great countries as long as you stay out of the cities. We have alagators crossing the roads here where I live coyotes,snakes,a few big cats,and bald eagles too. But I understand you loose some to nature I can understand that but just total decimation for fun? No wild animal hunts for fun like a dog does.
I'd love to experience the outback one time I'm an retired truck driver I always wanted to try driving a truck train like you have there. But also see the red rock area. I don't remember what it was called but would like to see that and see if it looks as beautiful as red rock mess looks here I always loved that area. And actually never have seen a kangaroo or joey or wallaby up close would love to see them in the wild would be awsome
I had someone inform me that my breeding Iowa Blue hens were "just chickens", and that you could just purchase any chicken for like, $2. It was after their dog killed 13 of my birds and ripped all the feathers off one of my show-bird's back, and we caught it in the act. Made me even more mad, but thankfully they did, albeit begrudgingly, foot the bill of $300. The next day they came back with a letter that detailed how their dog couldn't have killed the chickens because the dog: hadn't been trained to hunt, had never killed a chicken before, was only loose for an hour, is a white dog and didn't look to have blood on it, and is afraid of CATS. Yeah, some people can't hear themselves talk. Or they do pretty well to ignore common sense.

Who wrote the letter?

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