Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I've been getting in some arguments with a vegan via another website. I'll copy paste some quotes here.

Them: We thought you'd like to stop animal abuse. I guess you just like slaughtering chickens

Me: No. I HATE killing my birds. However, I can't make my whole family go vegetarian or vegan. Nor can I make my friends. What I can do is have them come over and eat meat that I raised humanely, that had a good life while it lived. I have to do something with roosters anyway, and there are too many good roosters needing homes to let aggressive ones live. I can't let the bad ones breed, because they will make more aggressive roosters who need to be killed as well. It is called caring for my family and population control. Do not accuse me of enjoying killing chickens. I cry every time I do, which, by the way, has only been once for food. (Which were large, aggressive roosters. I have a four , at the time three year old sister, and they could have taken her eye out.) The other two times were old, sick hens, who I had the unfortunate responsibility of putting down after previous owners didn't take good enough care of them, impacting their immune system and shortening their life span. So yeah, do not accuse me of such things.

Gosh. This person is getting on my nerves. Found out I raise broilers and freaked out.
I've been getting in some arguments with a vegan via another website. I'll copy paste some quotes here.

Them: We thought you'd like to stop animal abuse. I guess you just like slaughtering chickens

Me: No. I HATE killing my birds. However, I can't make my whole family go vegetarian or vegan. Nor can I make my friends. What I can do is have them come over and eat meat that I raised humanely, that had a good life while it lived. I have to do something with roosters anyway, and there are too many good roosters needing homes to let aggressive ones live. I can't let the bad ones breed, because they will make more aggressive roosters who need to be killed as well. It is called caring for my family and population control. Do not accuse me of enjoying killing chickens. I cry every time I do, which, by the way, has only been once for food. (Which were large, aggressive roosters. I have a four , at the time three year old sister, and they could have taken her eye out.) The other two times were old, sick hens, who I had the unfortunate responsibility of putting down after previous owners didn't take good enough care of them, impacting their immune system and shortening their life span. So yeah, do not accuse me of such things.

Gosh. This person is getting on my nerves. Found out I raise broilers and freaked out.
Just walk away. You can't fix crazy.
Oh, sometimes, but it's still good to eat. Why waste it if it's edible?

Also, proper packaging helps prevent freezer burn.

That makes sense. I just know my mom always buys tons of meat from the store on sale and we freeze it but then we've thrown a lot away. I guess it could still be cooked and were just dumb LOL whoops
We buy half a beef and pig local. Fish and shellfish we get ourselves. Chicken is only occasional when I have roosters.

I know the environmental impact of monocropping commercial produce as well as the huge number of animals that are killed or displaced because of it. Pastured beef has a smaller impact than that. So I try to buy produce in season and local to reduce that impact.

I try and follow the belief that as few animals should die for my meals as possible. So we eat beef a lot. Big animal so lots of meals.

Grandma always warned everyone to not make pets out of the food. She'd buy a hundred chicks each spring and the males went in the freezer.

Mom tells me that as kids they wouldn't listen and made them pets anyway. They would hope for females. Kids had to help with chores so when killing day came around there were a lot of tears as they plucked sometimes.

They had ducks for pets as well as the few araucana chickens that grandma got at the feed store one year in the 60s.
Vacuum sealing goes a long way towards eliminating freezer burn. Frozen foods do have a "best by" date, but very few "best by" dates are hard limits. Those generally represent when the food has lost a certain percentage of nutrient value. I like the following site for determining how long various foods are "best for":

Wrap meat in plastic, then in paper. Keep freezer at or below 0 and a thermometer in there. Keep it full as well. It cools better that way.

Our meat tastes just fine after the year it takes us to finish it.

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