Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Our neighbors have a Jack Russell that is soooo..... ANNOYING!!!!!!!

My friends neighbor has one like that too

Some can definitely be annoying

But I always feel bad for dogs like JRTs that are so popular and overbred and go to idiots that don't train or exercise them or socialize and they turn into a neurotic mess :(
Boy I wish someone had told my Rat Terrier that she is supposed to be lazy
Neurotic is most definitely the word for her. You should have told them that no, they call them terriers because the AKC wouldn't approve the name "crack head dog"
Boy I wish someone had told my Rat Terrier that she is supposed to be lazy
Neurotic is most definitely the word for her. You should have told them that no, they call them terriers because the AKC wouldn't approve the name "crack head dog"

LOL right!? My grandparent's terrier mix is crazy lol
Someone tried to make small talk with me when I was wearing a shirt that said "I may seem quiet and reserved, but if you mess with my chickens I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place!"
Them: Oh, do you raise chickens?
Me: Yeah, I raise them for fair and I keep a few rarer types for breeding.
Them: Really, how many do you have?
Me: Ummm, well, I lost a few to a fox, and a couple chicks died -- which is pretty normal -- and I just butchered ten, so probably like 93?
They looked at me like I was a psychopath, yet continued the conversation: Oh, are you going to eat the ones you killed? And why did you let the fox in? And why didn't you save the baby chicks? That's way to many chickens!
Me: I have a fox trap set, and the fox is way too bold around humans in daylight, so I have them in the secure run --
Them: You let them be in an unsecured place? What's wrong with you? (They started interrupting and accusing/yelling at me)
Me: Well, the weather's been so nice, and they wanted to eat the grass and the lilacs. And I did try to save the chicks, but some couldn't be saved because of physical ailments. And yes, I do plan on eating my chickens that I raised exclusively for the purpose of dinner.
Them: Well if the human society knew, or pet-a, they'd save those poor chickens. (Not misspelled, how they pronounced HUMANE society and PETA)
Me: I raise them more humanely than the factory farm where the chicken you eat was raised. And I'm pretty sure I take better care of my chickens, dog, cats, snake, and fish than you do of your one little dog.
Them: He's a terrier, they're meant to be lazy. It's why it rhymes with carrier, because you are supposed to carry them.
Me: Your dog (Jack Russell Terrier) isn't lazy, is morbidly obese, and you just overfeed him and never walk him.
Them: You don't know that. You have a big dog that you lock outside, the poor thing!
They walked away then, which I'm glad because I've not had a conversation that aggressive ever. Yikes, some people. But the pronunciation of humane and peta were hilarious in hindsight, of course.

RE: "Why did you let the fox in?"

"Well, he looked so darn hungry that it just broke my heart. And, with so many chickens, I thought I could spare a few to relieve his hunger. Do you go around expressing your moronic ideas often, or did I just look lonely?"

Wow that's ridiculous! And the pronunciation is hilarious of course.

But I just can't help to notice they level of stupidity that they think terrier was supposed to rhyme with carrier cause you carry them.... and that they are "lazy"

Aren't terriers supposed to be highly energetic and somewhat stubborn to train? That's part of why I haven't gotten one. They need sooo much work. Then there's these idiots who just overfeed and underexercise them.. poor things.

And they were bred to chase vermin underground which is fairly tough work.

They are not lazy, they are just a jerk

If they wanted a dog to carry, they should have gotten a toy breed designed for that that is ACTUALLY lazy. But then they would probably overfeed that too

If they wanted a dog to carry, they should've gotten a stuffed toy.
Someone tried to make small talk with me when I was wearing a shirt that said "I may seem quiet and reserved, but if you mess with my chickens I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place!"
Them: Oh, do you raise chickens?
Me: Yeah, I raise them for fair and I keep a few rarer types for breeding.
Them: Really, how many do you have?
Me: Ummm, well, I lost a few to a fox, and a couple chicks died -- which is pretty normal -- and I just butchered ten, so probably like 93?
They looked at me like I was a psychopath, yet continued the conversation: Oh, are you going to eat the ones you killed? And why did you let the fox in? And why didn't you save the baby chicks? That's way to many chickens!
Me: I have a fox trap set, and the fox is way too bold around humans in daylight, so I have them in the secure run --
Them: You let them be in an unsecured place? What's wrong with you?  (They started interrupting and accusing/yelling at me)
Me: Well, the weather's been so nice, and they wanted to eat the grass and the lilacs. And I did try to save the chicks, but some couldn't be saved because of physical ailments. And yes, I do plan on eating my chickens that I raised exclusively for the purpose of dinner.
Them: Well if the human society knew, or pet-a, they'd save those poor chickens.  (Not misspelled, how they pronounced HUMANE society and PETA)
Me: I raise them more humanely than the factory farm where the chicken you eat was raised. And I'm pretty sure I take better care of my chickens, dog, cats, snake, and fish than you do of your one little dog.
Them: He's a terrier, they're meant to be lazy. It's why it rhymes with carrier, because you are supposed to carry them.
Me: Your dog (Jack Russell Terrier) isn't lazy, is morbidly obese, and you just overfeed him and never walk him.
Them: You don't know that. You have a big dog that you lock outside, the poor thing!
They walked away then, which I'm glad because I've not had a conversation that aggressive ever. Yikes, some people. But the pronunciation of humane and peta were hilarious in hindsight, of course.

Sometimes you have to wonder, don't you? The carrier-terrier thing made me laugh. I've never met a lazy terrier in my life! (I have even heard them referred to as "terrorors" :D)
Someone tried to make small talk with me when I was wearing a shirt that said "I may seem quiet and reserved, but if you mess with my chickens I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place!"
Them: Oh, do you raise chickens?
Me: Yeah, I raise them for fair and I keep a few rarer types for breeding.
Them: Really, how many do you have?
Me: Ummm, well, I lost a few to a fox, and a couple chicks died -- which is pretty normal -- and I just butchered ten, so probably like 93?
They looked at me like I was a psychopath, yet continued the conversation: Oh, are you going to eat the ones you killed? And why did you let the fox in? And why didn't you save the baby chicks? That's way to many chickens!
Me: I have a fox trap set, and the fox is way too bold around humans in daylight, so I have them in the secure run --
Them: You let them be in an unsecured place? What's wrong with you?  (They started interrupting and accusing/yelling at me)
Me: Well, the weather's been so nice, and they wanted to eat the grass and the lilacs. And I did try to save the chicks, but some couldn't be saved because of physical ailments. And yes, I do plan on eating my chickens that I raised exclusively for the purpose of dinner.
Them: Well if the human society knew, or pet-a, they'd save those poor chickens.  (Not misspelled, how they pronounced HUMANE society and PETA)
Me: I raise them more humanely than the factory farm where the chicken you eat was raised. And I'm pretty sure I take better care of my chickens, dog, cats, snake, and fish than you do of your one little dog.
Them: He's a terrier, they're meant to be lazy. It's why it rhymes with carrier, because you are supposed to carry them.
Me: Your dog (Jack Russell Terrier) isn't lazy, is morbidly obese, and you just overfeed him and never walk him.
Them: You don't know that. You have a big dog that you lock outside, the poor thing!
They walked away then, which I'm glad because I've not had a conversation that aggressive ever. Yikes, some people. But the pronunciation of humane and peta were hilarious in hindsight, of course.

I couldn't resist.....
That's most likely not a laughing matter, but a sign of a neurological issue, most likely caused by metabolic deficiency of Vitamin E. Try giving her some Poultry Nutri-Drench and see if it fixes her issue. I had a hen who would moon walk when ever she was physically stressed. A bit of PND would fix her issue for a while. I did not cull her b/c she was a beautiful hen, and a good layer.

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