Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I was sitting in the run with my birds and messaging one of my..city dwelling friends. I told him that one of my chickens was sitting on my head and that he was preening my hair. He then "informed" me that all chickens are female. I didn't know what to say; I thought he was just messing with me, but no. He was dead serious.

:lau Oh my word! I can't believe it.
Oh my word! I can't believe it.
I couldn't either at first. I could have sworn that he was joking!
I was sitting in the run with my birds and messaging one of my..city dwelling friends. I told him that one of my chickens was sitting on my head and that he was preening my hair. He then "informed" me that all chickens are female. I didn't know what to say; I thought he was just messing with me, but no. He was dead serious.
Lol bees are easy to care for actually they feed me! I eat my birds that's what they are for I was raised on a farm you raise your food! You have pets but still my chickens lay eggs and meat for me I cull my roosters every year for the freezer and any hens that don't lay that's normal. If I didn't I wouldn't have them well maybe one or two but I have a few more than that now my bantam is my baby and there's not enough meet on that bird for a meal besides she is one heck of a sitting hen!
Not here I enjoy the chickens but I also have to see r a little that it's also food for my family. So I do have special birds but also have birds that are destin to go in the pot they are taken care of just like the others but not with my laying hens and not my special coop that my favorites.
I feel like the joy of chicken keeping goes away if you focus too much on utility. 

Not for me. My chickens are not pets, but I do have a favorite now and then that gets a free pass on butchering day. Otherwise, extra cockerels are put in a grow out pen, and older hens that aren't as productive are also processed. But I enjoy raising them, caring for them, and watching them.

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