Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Not exactly chicken related but it is FARM related-

Went into the city today and while we were there went into a farm chain store (not sure why it was smack dab in the middle of the city). I needed some alfalfa for my milking does so I asked if they had any, they said yes it was outside in a covered area- it's been pouring rain here.

We buy it, go outside to get it, and all that is out there is a few bales of soaking wet straw. Not alfalfa, straw. Thick, yellow, dusty, wet, gross straw.

We ask an employee out there if this is all the straw/hay they have and if there is any alfalfa and he points at one condensed bale of alfalfa that is also soaked and sitting next to a trash can...yeah...no thanks.

So we go inside to ask for a refund because we can pick some alfalfa up in our town, and some teenage kid working there (no offense teenagers) starts yelling at me that the STRAW outside is alfalfa....I just started laughing while the cashier processed my refund and we left.

Some peoples children.......

That's one kid i'dreport to the manager before he gets any older and thinks that kind of behavior is ok. Better to catch him early while he still has a mind pliable enough to learn.
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That's one kid i'dreport to the manager before he gets any older and thinks that kind of behavior is ok. Better to catch him early while he still has a mind pliable enough to learn.

I didn't bother reporting to the manager that was on duty, as she stood there and witnessed the whole thing, as well as chimed in to argue with me as well.

I wrote a very long review on google, which I'm sure they will see. I suggested closing down the store for a "training marathon" on customer service as well as product knowledge
I didn't bother reporting to the manager that was on duty, as she stood there and witnessed the whole thing, as well as chimed in to argue with me as well.

I wrote a very long review on googleee, which I'm sure they will see. I suggested closing down the store for a "training marathon" on customer service as well as product knowledge

Good for you! All that's left is for you to forward your comments to the president of the company at the home office. If you don't know how to find him/her, call the store and ask.

I'll bet that snotty, Ill-mannered kid is the manager's offspring. This is why nepotism among the lower ranks never pays. Their name isn't riding on the reputation of the business ... the president's is.
Good for you! All that's left is for you to forward your comments to the president of the company at the home office. If you don't know how to find him/her, call the store and ask.

I'll bet that snotty, Ill-mannered kid is the manager's offspring. This is why nepotism among the lower ranks never pays. Their name isn't riding on the reputation of the business ... the president's is.

Great idea!! And you're exactly right. I worked from age 14 on, mostly in customer service at first, and never once would've dreamed of speaking to a customer that way. This is a chain store and I am at one of their other locations somewhat frequently and their employees are all lovely.

I'm sure there is a hard working adult whom is down on their luck that would love that brats job.
So today I was sitting in the front lawn petting my BO/SS cockerel today, when a trespasser pulled in MY driveway! And here's how it went...

Me: Excuse me but you are in MY driveway!
Stranger: Do you know how many diseases you are catching right now?
Me: You are trespassing!
Stranger: You should get rid of your chickens, you are causing them nothing but harm!
Me: You're kidding me right? Oh really, how so?
Stranger: Their pen is filthy! (I admit, their pen is really muddy because we just recently had a big storm.)
Me: Who are you to tell me what to do?
Stranger: Well I support PETA so.
Me: (my two BO roos were dusting with the hens behind me.) And they don't like strangers.) *roos make scary velociraptor sound* (I always keep bread crumbs in my pocket) I threw some about 3 feet from them. They run towards the stranger.
Me: Like I said your trespassing!
Stranger: Ahhh!!! Runs to car and drives away. Why you son of a *bleep*

It just drives me crazy! Even when I'm sitting in the yard!
Trained attack chickens. I like that.
Responding to a post almost a year old about animals raising odd "children". When I was young my neighbor had a cat that had newborn kittens get run over. She was trying to bottle feed them but not much success. She only had two left when I found out. I suggested that we try to see if my dog which had just had puppies would take them. I took the two kittens and put them in a box with the puppies separate from the momma for about an hour. When I put them back with her she started nuzzling them back around her, including the kittens. One of the kittens never nursed but the other one lived about five years, two of which I think he thought he was a dog. He even tried to bark, made a noise as close to a bark as a cat could make. Definitely not a normal cat sound. He would even go squirrel hunting when I was training the pups, He was much better at climbing the tree than the pups. Sometimes even ran the squirrel out of the tree.

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