Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I just saw this billboard that said "which chick should die for your eggs? In big letters, red background white font, with a big black and white picture of 3 chicks and I didn't see what else it said or who made it because it was for the other direction so behind us as we passed it but I thought that was pretty laughable but to be quite honest I didn't really understand it at all at first. Why would a chick have to die for eggs?? Unless they are saying or thinking that all eggs are fertilized and automatically, magically without incubation, contain fully or partially grown chicks?? In which case that is even more laughable. Or maybe they are misguided and are thinking of how some hatcheries kill male chicks? But that doesn't relate to eggs. Now that said, conditions in commercial egg farms ARE horrible so if it gets people to stop eating them I guess maybe that's good? But people would be doing it for the complete wrong reason. No chicks die for your eggs lmao
I just googled it and it's for "befairbevegan.com" and has to do with the male chicks getting killed. It does make sense since hundreds of replacement layers are hatched and the male chicks from those hatches are killed, so yes, chicks are killed so you can have eggs, even in backyard flocks.
I just googled it and it's for "befairbevegan.com" and has to do with the male chicks getting killed. It does make sense since hundreds of replacement layers are hatched and the male chicks from those hatches are killed, so yes, chicks are killed so you can have eggs, even in backyard flocks.
In that sense, buying chicks from small breeders who deal in straight runs only is more humane than dealing with big breeders, but then you still have to deal with the cockerels.
I just googled it and it's for "befairbevegan.com" and has to do with the male chicks getting killed. It does make sense since hundreds of replacement layers are hatched and the male chicks from those hatches are killed, so yes, chicks are killed so you can have eggs, even in backyard flocks.

Hmmm... I didn't think of it. I somehow forgot they had to hatch more layers. But I thought they weren't allowed to kill the male chicks anymore? Or just not inhumanely?

Don't a lot of hatcheries selling chicks sell the males too? I know the one where I got mine from also does an adopt a chick thing for the ones that hatch late and get left in the tray or don't sell, etc. And some hatcheries, most actually except mine, also include extra males as "packing peanuts" so I don't think they kill very many? But maybe even with all those measures there are still lots of males left behind so they do kill them? Idk.

In that sense, buying chicks from small breeders who deal in straight runs only is more humane than dealing with big breeders, but then you still have to deal with the cockerels.

Yeah that's probably true sadly but most people don't want straight run or males and like you said, you still have to do something with the males, whether that's rehoming them to a nice farm or killing them later when they're big enough for meat.

Anyway, I admittedly didn't really think that chicks technically still have to die but I still think the billboard is stupid only because of the scare tactics/extreme methods used.

Plus, is that really what they are referring to? Or do they think all eggs are fertilized?
We had a young couple over for dinner, the young man made a comment about our brown eggs:

"I'm glad you eat brown eggs instead of those bleached ones you get at the store."

He didn't realize chickens lay different colored eggs and assumed all white eggs were brown before they got bleached to become white.
In that sense, buying chicks from small breeders who deal in straight runs only is more humane than dealing with big breeders, but then you still have to deal with the cockerels.

You're right. I do usually try to order straight run, or I say okay to warmer chicks, because as much as I hate butchering I'd rather they die humanely and with a purpose instead of tossed in bags or a grinder.

Hmmm... I didn't think of it. I somehow forgot they had to hatch more layers. But I thought they weren't allowed to kill the male chicks anymore? Or just not inhumanely?

It's some sort of agreement that some (not all) hatcheries (the commercial ones, I think) have made to stop inhumane killing of male chicks by 2020... Which might mean gassing them or something instead of bagging or grinding them.
People do but male chicks as well, but not in the same numbers as females. So say you reach a 50/50 ratio of makes and females and sell 500 females and only 150 males, you've still got 350 males left over. The Poultry Hatchery in NY grows them out and donated them to food banks but they're the only ones I know of that say they do that. And I wonder if some of the tax changes regarding charity write offs will make that less appealing, though they cite religious reasons as their motivation.
You're right. I do usually try to order straight run, or I say okay to warmer chicks, because as much as I hate butchering I'd rather they die humanely and with a purpose instead of tossed in bags or a grinder.

It's some sort of agreement that some (not all) hatcheries (the commercial ones, I think) have made to stop inhumane killing of male chicks by 2020... Which might mean gassing them or something instead of bagging or grinding them.
People do but male chicks as well, but not in the same numbers as females. So say you reach a 50/50 ratio of makes and females and sell 500 females and only 150 males, you've still got 350 males left over. The Poultry Hatchery in NY grows them out and donated them to food banks but they're the only ones I know of that say they do that. And I wonder if some of the tax changes regarding charity write offs will make that less appealing, though they cite religious reasons as their motivation.

Thanks, that makes sense! Isn't gassing more inhumane though?

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