Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I have the same problem. Best defense if you have $20,000 and a good lawyer is a gun. Otherwise screaming and angrily shaking your fists at it works........ You could use a Super Soaker, but again, that's illegal. But I don't think anyone would notice either..... (Note: I'm definitely not endorsing shooting a hawk with a Super Soaker, just saying.) I set up a bunch of plastic crows right in view of the hawk's nest and they moved out, but they just come back anyways.......Hawks are the worst.

i like the comment "But i dont think anyone would notice either"

Well, quite honestly, unless the hawk is tagged no one will know. We found a dead red-tail on our property once, while we could havehad to pay the huge fine, nobody came knockin on our door asking if we had killed a hawk lately. So, yeah, you could shoot it with a Super Soaker and no one would be the wiser, unless of course it's being tracked, and then you're in trouble.
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one of my cats is a vicious killer. she doesn't bother with the chickens thankfully, but she's driven off all of the cotton tails, killed dozens of them, she cleans out the blue jay nests every single year, and in her younger years (she's 15) she brought home more than a few young red tails... she also kills any rodent or snake she finds on roughly 15 acres, my land and a big chunk of the neighbors. I'll be sad when she's gone, i never had a better hunter... altho' I wasn't happy about her killing the bunnies... none of the red tails were tagged... phew, unless she ate the tag, there was nothing left of a couple of them but squiggly guts and feathers
How do you kill a hawk with a super soaker?
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