Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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You think chickens are filthy cause they step in their poop? Well, your cat scratches in its poop and pee several times a day, and I think it is gross that you feed it on your counter...
Chicken poop stinks... yours doesn't smell any better, you just have the convenience of flushing it and making it someone elses problem.

:gig :lau :gig :lau

I love this! Great reply. The other night I was talking to my mom who (had a pet chicken when she was a kid) and she said she hated chickens because they were dirty and stupid. I reminded her about "Francie" (who she used to walk on a leash) and she said, "Well that was when I was a kid..."
PS. She sleeps with her cat :p
I am almost positive this mentality came from the past and the fact that chicken breeds used to be more regionalized meaning that cold hearty breeds (predominantly brown egg layers) and lighter breeds that did better in the heat usually lived in different areas of the country. Where I am (New England) brown eggs are more common but out west white eggs are more common. It really depends on your locale on which eggs would be the freshest. Simply the ones not shipped from far away. Does anyone remember the TV commercial, Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh?  http://forums.egullet.org/index.php/topic/36713-all-about-eggs-faq/

I'm having so much fun reading this thread! When I got first got married my husband called me into the kitchen where he was making breakfast (emphasis on first got married :lol:) to ask me what was wrong with our eggs. He said the shells were really hard and the yolks were orange!
He was used to store-bought eggs with their pale yellow yolks and shells that you could put your thumbs through when you were cracking them.
I grew up in NJ and we always had brown eggs AND that commercial. I will now be singing that jingle in my head for the rest of the day!
Not quite on the egg/stupid things but my fiancé said this when he was getting ready to sell his condo.

Me: I have the floor cleaner but you'll have to go to the store and buy a dry mop to buff the hardwood floors.
Him: a dry mop? Geeze, it's not like they sell them wet!
Me: never mind.
I may have to use your cranial-rectal inversion disease comment sometime, I often tell people whom get on my last nerve that I want to know whom their proctaligist is because he and my podiatrist may need to do an emergency surgery on us to get us separated.
I just offer the services of a logging chain and either our John Deere or the 4WD truck to pull it out.
Not quite on the egg/stupid things but my fiancé said this when he was getting ready to sell his condo.

Me: I have the floor cleaner but you'll have to go to the store and buy a dry mop to buff the hardwood floors.
Him: a dry mop? Geeze, it's not like they sell them wet!
Me: never mind.
I grew up using a dry mop on hardwood floors so I know what you're talking about. We also used them in the stores I worked in. I guess he always had wall to wall carpeting.
many people also call them dust mops, perhaps he was just accustom to calling them that and didn't realize what you where talking about because he knew them by another name, remember what the bard said a rose by any other name....
You think chickens are filthy cause they step in their poop? Well, your cat scratches in its poop and pee several times a day, and I think it is gross that you feed it on your counter...
Chicken poop stinks... yours doesn't smell any better, you just have the convenience of flushing it and making it someone elses problem.


I love this! Great reply. The other night I was talking to my mom who (had a pet chicken when she was a kid) and she said she hated chickens because they were dirty and stupid. I reminded her about "Francie" (who she used to walk on a leash) and she said, "Well that was when I was a kid..."
PS. She sleeps with her cat
Haven't you heard the phrase so and so thinks they are so good their organic fertilizer they discharge does not emit any foul odor. (hey trying to keep real young kids parents from getting mad here).
Oh I have really enjoyed this thread. Truly humorous. I have heard the stuff about ewww dirty and chicks in them and needing roos and all, usually from kids though.

Thankfully my family hasn't asked me any stupid things about my chicken eggs and all really like them.

Some people have asked me if I free range my chickens out here in the Mohave desert, no, if I did I would not have any chickens. I would love to be able to though.

I have one uncle who thinks my rooster can and will whip my gander. It has been proven otherwise.

My mom used to tell me when I was little that if I let my little black bantam hen sit on eggs she would die because she wouldn't eat or drink for three weeks. I remember wondering how come other hens did it and then raised chicks? Looking back I know they would have hatched.

Oh I have been asked if I can incubate store bought eggs.

Once I had a lady tell me that if chickens were incubated in an incubator instead of under a hen they would not go broody. I remind my incubator hatched bantam cochin hens of this "rule" at least twice a year.

When I first got chickens again as an adult, since I was raised in Los Angeles and the man I was with at the time was an Ohio farm boy, he obviously knew more about chickens that I did. First off he tried to convince me to order all of my chickens debeaked because if I didn't their beaks would grow so long they wouldn't be able to eat and would starve to death by the time they were six weeks old. Thanks to University of Minnesota for posting articles about debeaking to prove otherwise to him. Later after I got chickens we had to go a few rounds about feeding them and nutrition, I won and now they get more than just scratch. Although my favorite was when he pointed to my cockerel, who we decided was a cockerel a couple days before that, and he commented "That one is growing really fast, I bet it will be the first one to start laying." I'm still waiting to get an egg out of him but I'm not holding my breath.

I also had another man who wanted to buy some chickens from me looking at my flock and pointed at my Jersey Giant roo and wanted to know what size eggs he laid. I had already told him that that particular bird was my rooster and not for sale but his offspring would be.

Hmmm, maybe that is why people keep saying that we need roosters to lay eggs, cause they think that the roosters lay the eggs???????

Once I was talking with a feed supplier about selling eggs, he asked if I had a rooster, yes, ewwww don't your customers complain about blood veins in the eggs? No because I don't incubate the ones I sell. He wound up leaving town after he sold a bunch of bad hay and several horses died.

Had a neighbor that wound up being a huge problem. I was trying to be nice in the beginning. She thought I was cruel for crate training my dogs and teaching them leash manners and such. She also asked how my chickens got up in their nest boxes. Do they get sad when I collect eggs and take their babies away? I once mentioned to her that I was going to be having a nasty tempered bantam rooster for dinner soon. She admitted she knew little to nothing about birds, her first time touching a birds was when I held one of my hens for her to pet, but was convinced that his attitude was because he was "misunderstood" and she wanted to take him as a pet. Things got out of control when she came over and started disconnecting water lines and threatened to call animal control on me cause my geese had dirty water in their pool and the man of the house at the time wouldn't let her go in my bird pens. Since I knew she wasn't around other birds and wasn't a potential disease carrier I was going to let her go in and see if she had any misunderstandings about my birds protecting their territory from a stranger.
A friend of mine has two chickens and after seeing pictures of mine, struck up a conversation about them in which she told me, "I used to have a silkie, they don't have feathers, they actually have fur." I kindly corrected her that they are feathers just a different kind of feather.
SillyCityGirl said:

~~My mom used to tell me when I was little that if I let my little black bantam hen sit on eggs she would die because she wouldn't eat or drink for three weeks. I remember wondering how come other hens did it and then raised chicks? Looking back I know they would have hatched. ~~

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My mom used to have some funny ideas, too. In order to get me to go to bed, she'd tell me that only the sleep you get before midnight counts. I asked, "Then, why don't people go to bed at 3pm in the afternoon?" Frustrated, she'd walk away, scratching her head, and muttering, "I don't understand it. It always worked when my mother told it to me."[/FONT]

~~... my favorite was when he pointed to my cockerel, who we decided was a cockerel a couple days before that, and he commented "That one is growing really fast, I bet it will be the first one to start laying." I'm still waiting to get an egg out of him but I'm not holding my breath. ~~

Good one!
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