Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I use to be of the mind set of chickens are food and ONLY food. ThenI watched them. I went out today and hone hop in my lap for a nap. They are just as calming to me as my dog or cats. They make little happy noises when I pet them and even seem to enjoy being with me.
New one for me today. Do turkeys and ducks lay eggs? Umm nope aliens drop them off from the sky.
I am far more bitter then your dad.
I don't even think my dad believes the 25/75 rule, he probably thinks it's reverse!
I have one neighbor, just one, who lives up on the hill year round. Their okay... work hard, raised 2 nice kids, have a bunch of ducks, geese, a dog... but it was not always thus. 12 years ago, when I moved here, her kids were screeching monsters, her multiple dogs never stopped barking day or night, they had chickens back then too, and their roos crowed non stop from sun up to just past pitch dark. They were both constantly screaming at each other and at the kids... I looked forward to winter, when I could close the windows against the constant bombardment... I laughed with her one day shortly after I moved there, about how some siblings don't get along until their older and she's like... yeah... huh... and then she left and took to burning the smelliest trash you can imagine... I didn't really speak to them much for the first few years, then it became a bit more cordial and now... it's pretty good. except. now I have chickens... if the cockerels crow, she is on the phone - what is that God awful noise? Barney will crow after dark when a cat is out... I let the cat in, he stops, but I always hear from her the next day... your rooster has it backwards... he crows at 11:00 at night... (facepalm... that's kinda good... alerting to predators...I think) she'll want eggs. i have some store bought out of date eggs in the fridge... she can have those. (jk, i'll share eggs... but I'm keeping the roos!)
PS the neighbor behind them has a rooster, I can't see their place without driving around the mountain 2 miles to get to the other side (chicken joke reference unintended, but enjoyed none-the-less) but I can hear their roo, and so can my cockerels... and they answer!
I sold half a dozen eggs to my cleaner a few weeks ago. Her next visit, she said: " You know those eggs you sold me? I couldn't bring myself to eat the blue ones. I ate the others, but I thought the blue ones were just too cute."

Her way of politely saying "ew"? She didn't buy anymore from me lol
People tell me I most have dumb roosters (well.....) because they crow all day. They don't believe me when I tell them they are just communicating.
I have to hide my roosters because I am not allowed to have them in my City. Of course you can't really hide them because the crow all day long. What I am doing is keeping them in the Garage to comply with the noise ordinance--no loud noises from 10 pm to 7 am. Last night at dusk I heard my SG Dorking cockerel crowing at the side door to the Garage. I opened the door and he waked right into the garage. Then he crowed to tell me to turn the light out. Poor guy was exhausted with taking care of 13 hens all day.

Yes, they crow for a lot of reasons. They even sing the egg song when one of the hens lays an egg.....


Mine seem a little confused on what the egg song is. All the roos start having a spazz attack and running around like, well, chickens with their heads cut off. All the hens are totally relaxed, and the roosters are freaking out. The only way to make them shut up is to whistle, works every time. I wonder if they're just hoping that it's not theirs!
Mine seem a little confused on what the egg song is. All the roos start having a spazz attack and running around like, well, chickens with their heads cut off. All the hens are totally relaxed, and the roosters are freaking out.

Sounds just like a human father-to-be when told "It's time! Grab my bag and get me to the hospital." Men!
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