Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Mine seem a little confused on what the egg song is. All the roos start having a spazz attack and running around like, well, chickens with their heads cut off. All the hens are totally relaxed, and the roosters are freaking out. The only way to make them shut up is to whistle, works every time. I wonder if they're just hoping that it's not theirs!

I always thought they were claiming ownership. Screaming out "I'm the DAD"" "I'm the DAD" "I'm the DAD"
I have read through most of this thread (quite a long one) and I have one that can beat them all! My dad has had chickens on and off for years. We grew up with chickens. I recently got some chickens and he told me to expect to see the rooster jump on top of the hen when they are trying to lay so they can "get in there real quick and fertilize the egg." Like a frog or fish I suppose. I guess he thinks the roosters jumping on the chickens all day is just to make sure an egg doesn't pop out and they miss their opportunity. I just nodded.
New one for me last night. Have a friend that wants to be more than a friend ask me what I was doing. At the time I was processing an indian runner duck. Yeah I know not a lot to work with there. But anyway later that night he texts me it goes like this. He is from Nicaragua born 1963 and raised there till he was 25. He is also big on eating healthy.

Him: I am sorry you can't afford to buy your own meat.
Me: Excuse me?
Him: You have to kill your own meat. You can't afford to go to the store and buy it.
Me: That has nothing to do with me killing my own birds for food.
Him: Why would you kill an innocent animal then?
Me: Because it is healthier for me and my family to raise our own animals for food.
Him: Only the poor in my country raise their own meat.
Me: Do you have any idea where the US meat supply comes from?
Him: Small farms like in my country Poor people.
Me: No US uses factory farms which keeps birds in dark chicken sheds eating each other raised in their own filth dying on each other. Then they pump them full of antibiotics and chemicals. Then they send them forth to your dinner table. I am in NO way poor because I have birds that I use for meat and eggs.
You would think a man that is so hopped up on health would understand or at least know where his food comes from.
New one for me last night. Have a friend that wants to be more than a friend ask me what I was doing. At the time I was processing an indian runner duck. Yeah I know not a lot to work with there. But anyway later that night he texts me it goes like this. He is from Nicaragua born 1963 and raised there till he was 25. He is also big on eating healthy.

Him: I am sorry you can't afford to buy your own meat.
Me: Excuse me?
Him: You have to kill your own meat. You can't afford to go to the store and buy it.
Me: That has nothing to do with me killing my own birds for food.
Him: Why would you kill an innocent animal then?
Me: Because it is healthier for me and my family to raise our own animals for food.
Him: Only the poor in my country raise their own meat.
Me: Do you have any idea where the US meat supply comes from?
Him: Small farms like in my country Poor people.
Me: No US uses factory farms which keeps birds in dark chicken sheds eating each other raised in their own filth dying on each other. Then they pump them full of antibiotics and chemicals. Then they send them forth to your dinner table. I am in NO way poor because I have birds that I use for meat and eggs.
You would think a man that is so hopped up on health would understand or at least know where his food comes
Definition of being poor...process or prepare your own food. we have been taught to detach from the food process. We enjoy the food but don't worry where it comes from. If people knew that some things are easier and heltier to do them themselves. Things like yogurt, laundry detergent, soaps....even face creams are more healthy if you make them.

Well back to the thread. My uncle told he could only eat fryed eggs...Because the boild or scrambled ones gave thim flu....HOW??????
I think his reasoning was if I decided to make more than a friendship with him I would never have to kill my own food again. While I do not enjoy the actual processing I do enjoy the results.
I think his reasoning was if I decided to make more than a friendship with him I would never have to kill my own food again. While I do not enjoy the actual processing I do enjoy the results.

You have to keep his native culture in mind. In most South and Central American countries, they only have two classes: rich and poor. Many of the rich are what we would consider to be upper middle class. The rich have servants to take care of obtaining and preparing food; all they do is pay the bills. Only the poor grow and prepare their own food. So, from his perspective, you must be poor.
You have to keep his native culture in mind. In most South and Central American countries, they only have two classes: rich and poor. Many of the rich are what we would consider to be upper middle class. The rich have servants to take care of obtaining and preparing food; all they do is pay the bills. Only the poor grow and prepare their own food. So, from his perspective, you must be poor.
While I agree with what you are saying, Appylover mentioned that he was born in 1963, and moved here when he was 25. He has spent almost 25 adult years living in America. One would think that after that amount of time, he would understand that many people here raise food for hobby and health as well as necessity. Just a little surprising I guess.
My grandparents (not the ranching ones thank God) have almost that same delusion. If we had money (well.....) then we could afford to just buy eggs, live in a suburban home that looks like everyone else's, and pretend like we are healthy people, even though we have no idea where our food comes from.

If they knew how many people treat chickens like pets, they would freak *insert evil laugh*. Can we all get together and freak them out sometime? I'll bring the Naked Necks! *insert eviler laugh*
Now imagine how is in Puerto Rico. We produce less that 10% of what we eat. Here you find a total disconection from the food chain. The food comes from the outside USA, south america, etc. Two generations ago it was common to have a few chickens, and a few things in the garden for eating. When I started with the chickens I hidded it at the job. But I was so excited that I finally told everyone. We need to accept each other like they are.
I'm glad I know a lot of people that are really trying to become sustainable. And we are, to some degree, too.

At my parent's restaurant, they are really trying to buy their veggies from local gardeners. They get their chicken (and occasionally bison) from local ranchers. They get their eggs from me. It says this on the menus. They are really trying to tell people, "Hey, let's move away from this processed, gross food. Look how good this is. You know who grew this? Your neighbor did. Not 2,000 underpaid workers for a big corp."

I think it has been good for our community.
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