Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Well, Martha Stewart made that lower-cholesterol claim about her blue eggs on one of her shows.... It has to be true!

(snicker snicker)
I dislike it when people throw around data from studies. I work in research, not all studied are created equal and the data is only as good as the person doing the study is honest. Also it is very important to read the entire study to understand the findings. Few people actually do that. Unfortunately the honest researchers have a difficult time getting big grants because they rarely tell people what they want to hear. Just remember, whenever one of these things are debunked it is because an honest researcher took the time to try and duplicate the study without skewing the data.
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I dislike it when people throw around data from studies. I work in research, not all studied are created equal and the data is only as good as the person doing the study is honest. Also it is very important to read the entire study to understand the findings. Few people actually do that. Unfortunately the honest researchers have a difficult time getting big grants because they rarely tell people what they want to hear. Just remember, whenever one of these things are debunked it is because an honest researcher took the time to try and duplicate the study without skewing the data.

Or the other way around
Something is proven by an honest research and then "debunked" by one not so much. Yes, reading the whole study can change everything. That is why I also HATE statistics. I think your chances with anything is 50/50 either you will or you won't, end of story.
Or the other way around ;) Something is proven by an honest research and then "debunked" by one not so much.  Yes, reading the whole study can change everything.  That is why I also HATE statistics. I think your chances with anything is 50/50 either you will or you won't, end of story.

It is much harder to disprove a properly done study than one that is a sham. When studies are repeated and the results are not the same there are multiple attempts made often by different sources before the science is considered unsound. Statistics are good when used properly, unfortunately most people want to treat them as absolutes. Nothing is absolute and there are always mitigating circumstances. Will jumping off a mountain kill you? 98% or more of us it would, unless we are extremely lucky or experienced base jumpers. Even the base jumpers have a high mortality rate.
Rant over.:D Please, some one post a chicken funny.
Neighbor about my Americauna hen's eggs:  You can eat green eggs?  Are you certain?

Me:  These are chicken eggs just like any chicken egg, only they taste much better than commercial eggs.

Neighbor:  Chickens don't lay green eggs.

Me:  But you just saw me take the eggs out of the nest box.  There is one green one.

Neighbor:  Chickens lay tan or white eggs.  And, besides that, that big egg could not have come out of the chicken you pointed out.  She isn't big enough.

Me:  Here, take this green egg and have it for breakfast tomorrow.

Neighbor:  OMG, noooooo thanks.  It could be poison.

Me:  The boys next door eat them all the time.  In fact, they want to be sure to have green eggs for March 2nd.

Neighbor:  What?

Me:  Dr Seuss birthday.

Neighbor:  You know when his birthday is?  And you dyed the eggs, right?

Me (see me giving up?):  Sure,  Then I put the eggs back in the nest box to see what the chickens would say.

Neighbor:  You're nuts.

Me:  Yes, I know.
That was funny. I like this thread
I overheard this last spring at a TSC. A woman buying pullets asked how they get only one sex in a bin. The TSC employee told her that the hatchery hatched only females one day and would hatch males on another.
I dislike it when people throw around data from studies. I work in research, not all studied are created equal and the data is only as good as the person doing the study is honest. Also it is very important to read the entire study to understand the findings. Few people actually do that. Unfortunately the honest researchers have a difficult time getting big grants because they rarely tell people what they want to hear. Just remember, whenever one of these things are debunked it is because an honest researcher took the time to try and duplicate the study without skewing the data.

Amen!! I took statistics when I was in college. By some miracle I even passed. The main thing I learned was to differentiate between correlation and causation, and to take most studies with a grain of salt. It is important to know the size of the study, who paid for it, and the difference in the results between the subjects and the controls. Sometimes there is so little difference the results can just be caused by chance.
Well, Martha Stewart made that lower-cholesterol claim about her blue eggs on one of her shows.... It has to be true!

(snicker snicker)

She got that information from somewhere. She didn't make it up. Now whether her source was reliable or not and whether the stated information is in fact true is a different matter entirely, but she made that statement in good faith.
Amen!! I took statistics when I was in college. By some miracle I even passed. The main thing I learned was to differentiate between correlation and causation, and to take most studies with a grain of salt. It is important to know the size of the study, who paid for it, and the difference in the results between the subjects and the controls. Sometimes there is so little difference the results can just be caused by chance.
We were taught in statistics that 68% of statistics are made up on the spot.
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