Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I really only see my father in law as old but that is only because he pulls out the typewrite and sits down to write letters next to the computer. The only thing he knows how to do on the computer is solitaire.

I felt so dumb yesterday I walked outside and Menchi was wriggling in the dirt, her feed curled under her and when I went out she didn't get up just kept wriggling. My first thought was that something was wrong, I was about to freak out and then it hit me she was dust bathing.
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Reading all this it just shows how silly people are.
Honestly though its not their fault, it comes form years and years of brainwashing by the big ag industries.
I certainly wasn't immune and it took lots of desire for self education to change some realities of mine learned from school.
Kinda makes me wonder what would happen people got smart and paid attention to their food.

How do you sell people water in a bottle when they have safe, and generally safer water at home?
-Easy, just start enough rumors about unsafe drinking water for people to pay attention to the fake doctors we paid to confirm the rumors. Soon enough they'll feed themselves the rumors just to justify the fancy water they buy to show off.

Same with chickens:
How do you sell people a dirty egg?
-Easy scrape the poop off (as well as the protective layer the egg came with) and start spreading rumors about poopy eggs being bad for your health, add in a couple fake doctors for good merit.
Then for real laughs start telling them how farm eggs come out of a chickens butt. Soon enough they will think that store eggs come from somewhere else!

Anyone remember when they came out with that toxic slurry that was supposed to replace eggs? No Yolks or something like that?
People bought it because eggs had "too much cholesterol" ... now they are fine again... (because that company went out of business)
Dont read the medical news, I sure dont. Its all BS to get you to buy the next great health product.
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