Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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We live within city limits and had to acquire a livestock permit to own a maximum of 8 hens. Our grumpy neighbor wanted to find any reason for us NOT to be able to own chickens (they are dirty, they will smell bad, they will be loud etc. etc.) but the best of all was when she told DH that "they reduce wild bird populations." Being that DH has a Wildlife B.S. degree, he was able to put any and all of her worries to rest (and handled it much more calmly that I would have!). To this day we both exchange hearty chuckles over the "wild bird population," bit. Sometimes ignorance is just too funny not to laugh at!
We live within city limits and had to acquire a livestock permit to own a maximum of 8 hens. Our grumpy neighbor wanted to find any reason for us NOT to be able to own chickens (they are dirty, they will smell bad, they will be loud etc. etc.) but the best of all was when she told DH that "they reduce wild bird populations." Being that DH has a Wildlife B.S. degree, he was able to put any and all of her worries to rest (and handled it much more calmly that I would have!). To this day we both exchange hearty chuckles over the "wild bird population," bit. Sometimes ignorance is just too funny not to laugh at!
That is funny because I just read some vegan person on facebook saying that raising chickens reduces the wild bird population by displacement, apparently. I am still puzzling over which birds they replace since most birds are in the trees not on the ground. Penguins maybe?
That is funny because I just read some vegan person on facebook saying that raising chickens reduces the wild bird population by displacement, apparently. I am still puzzling over which birds they replace since most birds are in the trees not on the ground. Penguins maybe?
that elusive, ornery snipe, ive been chasing those things for years... i get my buddies up in the woods and ask them to run them to me, i call for them but they never come. of course my buddies always give up and come back to the camp.
In my experience, the wild bird population increases because they like to steal chicken food. I'd switch to treadle feeders but I have a special needs bird that couldn't use one.

That neighbor sounds like "quit doing stuff I don't like or I'm going to cry"
It is always interesting to see people complain about hearing a noise. Oh my gosh. A NOISE. It must be banned. Cars going down the street. Dogs. Cats. Planes. Children. So many noises to complain about. Yes there are times when noises are too loud. Like boom box speakers with ear deafening noise. A gang of Hells Angels going down the street. Most things just arent that loud. It is the act of being that is objectionable. It is heard = bad. There really isnt much you can do about them.
Just so you know, I am not a loud person. I do not blast my music. I dont run motorcycles up and down my driveway. I hear dogs barking sometimes. I hear mine barking outside and I bring him in.
Chickens are a good sound. It is the sound of life. It is a cheerful sound unless a hen or rooster is mad or scared! When did this kind of sound become a bad thing?
It is always interesting to see people complain about hearing a noise. Oh my gosh. A NOISE. It must be banned. Cars going down the street. Dogs. Cats. Planes. Children. So many noises to complain about. Yes there are times when noises are too loud. Like boom box speakers with ear deafening noise. A gang of Hells Angels going down the street. Most things just arent that loud. It is the act of being that is objectionable. It is heard = bad. There really isnt much you can do about them.
Just so you know, I am not a loud person. I do not blast my music. I dont run motorcycles up and down my driveway. I hear dogs barking sometimes. I hear mine barking outside and I bring him in.
Chickens are a good sound. It is the sound of life. It is a cheerful sound unless a hen or rooster is mad or scared! When did this kind of sound become a bad thing?

When we stopped knowing where our food comes from.....when we lost our connection to the earth. When we turned our back to nature.

Not chicken related but last week I was at Epcot in WDW Florida in a ride about land conservation with a bunch of friends. When we got out one of them happily said : sorry earth....you loose. When we destroy you we are moving to planet Mars...they are charging people to take them there and are planing to make that planet habitable. I choked and answered that it was easier to protect and conserve a functional planet than to fix one that not even has the basics for our survival. He is a computer engineer. He was really exited about the posibility of moving to mars in the future. Also we learned that he only eats processed food. If he eats fruit it should come out of a can or jar....that apply to all his food needs. He can eat eggs from the store but he cant from my free range chickens.
Later he also commented that if something happened that we lost the electric power and the internet that he preferred to be dead because he could not survive without those things. So much nonsence in a few days just got me tired.
We live within city limits and had to acquire a livestock permit to own a maximum of 8 hens. Our grumpy neighbor wanted to find any reason for us NOT to be able to own chickens (they are dirty, they will smell bad, they will be loud etc. etc.) but the best of all was when she told DH that "they reduce wild bird populations." Being that DH has a Wildlife B.S. degree, he was able to put any and all of her worries to rest (and handled it much more calmly that I would have!). To this day we both exchange hearty chuckles over the "wild bird population," bit. Sometimes ignorance is just too funny not to laugh at!

Now that's funny. We've noticed more wild birds hanging around. As I entered the chicken coop one day a dove flew out and almost hit my head. We have a shed with the sliding doors left partway open for a chicken coop and the dove was enjoying an easy meal.
When we stopped knowing where our food comes from.....when we lost our connection to the earth. When we turned our back to nature.

Not chicken related but last week I was at Epcot in WDW Florida in a ride about land conservation with a bunch of friends. When we got out one of them happily said : sorry earth....you loose. When we destroy you we are moving to planet Mars...they are charging people to take them there and are planing to make that planet habitable. I choked and answered that it was easier to protect and conserve a functional planet than to fix one that not even has the basics for our survival. He is a computer engineer. He was really exited about the posibility of moving to mars in the future. Also we learned that he only eats processed food. If he eats fruit it should come out of a can or jar....that apply to all his food needs. He can eat eggs from the store but he cant from my free range chickens.
Later he also commented that if something happened that we lost the electric power and the internet that he preferred to be dead because he could not survive without those things. So much nonsence in a few days just got me tired.

His "friends" are all taking up a collection to buy him a one-way ticket so they can stop listening to his sniveling. I'm a tech geek but still felt comfortable last weekend with absolutely no cell phone or internet connectivity. I also forage for wild mushrooms and catch my own fish. I'd most likely scare the bejesus out of him.
I agree! I live in a small town, 2 doors and a frontage road from a busy state highway that has high traffic of semi-tractor/trailers going up and down it 24/7 (I live in the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota). On the other side of town, the Burlington-Northern railroad roars through town sporadically through the day and night. To me, it's white noise... I have only lived in 1 town in my life (I'm in my 50s) that did NOT have railroad tracks running through it. You get used to it, and tune it out. When I do recognize the sounds, it reassures me, because I'm also hard of hearing (from birth), because I CAN still hear! So, for those who complain about noise... be grateful! Think of those that cannot hear, and are deprived!
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