Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Hi Aussie. One country I dearly would like to visit. The airfare there is so high. Maybe I should swim? Anywho, I live in central Texas, lots and lots of days 100 degrees and up to 112 once! My poor girls pant all summer. I don't like to be gone from home much in the middle of the day or when it's hottest, because I like to be home to spray down the trees where they hang out in the shade. It wets the earth and the wet branches sorta act like a swamp cooler as the breeze goes thru them, (when there is a breeze!) And I have a little fan in the hen house too. I also have an oil pan for catching the oil when you change your car's oil, full of water and they occasionally stand in it to cool their feet. I also have something called a "mister" that connects to the hose and sprays a fine mist of water that they will sit under. I hope you can do any of these to help cool your chooks. Is it summer there now?? LOVIN' CHICKENS, beverly evans from Austin, the live music captital of the world.
I just found this thread... it's hilarious. Makes me think of an adult family member who was telling my daughter that the white meat of a chicken was white because it had been bleached. I over heard... couldn't help but ask him... "Really?" He went on to inform me.. "Yes.. all chicken meat is dark and the meat that we see white.. has been bleached white." This is a grown man.

We have friends who won't egg our duck eggs. They ate the chicken eggs, but thought eggs from ducks were somehow not right.

Weird !!
Yeah I have had people applaud how good the eggs were, and when I told them it was a duck egg they turned pale.... um... it's an egg not like I said you just an chicken fries or anything like that.
Someone ask me, "if it came down to going hungry or eating your chickens would you eat them? My answer was, "Of course I wouldn't eat them, I would save them for the eggs, a constant supply of food." and their reply was, "Really? There is no protein in eggs, you would need the meat to survive." I told them if it came down to it, that they better stear clear of my chickens. SMH

I do have to admit though, that after we got our chickens this summer, it took me quite a while to eat one of the eggs. When I was younger I had a bad experience with a fertilized egg. I still have to crack them in a separate bowl, but I am eating them now.
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I don't like duck eggs because they're very strong, and I find it unpleasant, but before I tried one I thought they were amazing. Maybe I'm the weird kid who likes to try new eggs. I've tried chicken duck turkey and quail, I want to try Ostrich :D
lol yeah the eyes balls or chic thing has turned many off. but if you gather them every day to every other day... that will never happen. Ant if you find a stray egg and don't know how long its been.. then don't eat it. And you can always candle to double check.
I don't like duck eggs because they're very strong, and I find it unpleasant, but before I tried one I thought they were amazing. Maybe I'm the weird kid who likes to try new eggs. I've tried chicken duck turkey and quail, I want to try Ostrich :D

I have been told that but my duck eggs are not that strong. I wonder if it is feed? They just get chicken feed and scraps. I also feed organic on GMO and my feed is complete.. no soy and has alfalfa and veggie powder in it. Duck eggs are great for baking too.
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do they not notice those in store about unfertilized eggs or something?

Personally I find it interesting that as a society we have become so picky about things. We nit pick our food to death... if has to look perfect or we are reluctant to touch it. If there's a blemish on an apple cut it out.. and inmost cases if you are cooking it .. you won't know about it at all. SO an egg has a red spot.. or 'bugar' as I've heard it referred to.. cook it in anyhow, you won; be able to tell when you eat it. I eat the lettuce leaves that the big have put a few holes in , it's still green healthy.. just has hole. tastes the same, is washed and bug free.. no need to waste.. and the ones beyond saving make great chicken food :p

The only thing I care about is.. if the food is spoiled other than that relax no big deal :p IMO
If bugs are eating your lettuce, that's how you know it's safe. I tried to give someone a beautiful head of broccoli, but mentioned that they needed to wash it and check for worms. They freaked out and said they could never eat broccoli if it had worms on it. Makes you wonder if they even know it's grown in dirt
I have been told that but y dick eggs are not that strong. I wonder if it is feed? They just get chicken feed and scraps. I also feed organic on GMO and my feed is complete.. no soy and has alfalfa and veggie powder in it. Duck eggs are great for baking too.
I know they're good for baking, I just found them very strong. We bought them so I don't know what the ducks were fed on or anything like that, I suppose I could have just gotten a very strong one. We're in the UK so there would have been no GM products in their feed.
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