Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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But really, my comment was in jest, I think it could be dangerous to actually make the comment (some people feel their opinions are worth defending with violence), but perfectly safe to think it.
Reminds me of a song lyric, not that it's relevant........"if thoughts could kill, there'd be no one here"
I'm sure they're just joking around. I know my mum would be the type to say something like that but I know she only does it for jokes (though she's no vegetarian.) I do find it hypocritical when people say stuff like that and then get whiny if you joke around about having cat or dog soup.

Ditto the joking around with the dog meeting chickens. I have a large (135 lb) St. Bernard cross and often times I joke when we encounter pocket pooches "Look, Gabby! Snackies!" Of course, it's just in jest and there's no offense taken. My dog is such a big wuss that a buzzing housefly will have her heading for the sanctuary of a dark closet.
I have chickens that may /will end up as dinner, and I also have some that will end up in the old hen's home. The difference? Dinner doesn't have a name. The girls that have names are pets. I'm the same way about my rabbits. If it may end up as a meal, it has no name.
I have chickens that may /will end up as dinner, and I also have some that will end up in the old hen's home. The difference? Dinner doesn't have a name. The girls that have names are pets. I'm the same way about my rabbits. If it may end up as a meal, it has no name.

Reminds me of the stories I was told about when my mum was a girl. My grandad would get animals for food. She and her brother and sister would name them so he couldn't cook them. I don't think he was very happy!
To be honest the naming thing is only true for certain people. I have eaten chickens that have had names and. I inow other people that have. I also know people name chickens nugget or deep fried and things like that.
All of mine are named; it's fun to think up names such as Margaret T. Hatcher & Eggatha Christie, and when I feed them or herd them back to their coop, I have to call them something. But, they will be going to freezer camp this fall (at 2 1/2 years old) and I don't have a problem with it. Heck, with what I've spent on the coop, tractors, fencing, accessories and organic feed, I can't afford to keep them as pets - they must contribute somehow. My friends, however, are aghast that I would cook something I've named. I really don't get it.
My suburban son, who likes the idea of self-sustainability but isn't fond of picking up chickens, was here this weekend. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I had the girls out foraging in their portable pens/tractor and he watched as I lead them back to the coop for supper with a bag of mealworms. The cats got into the act, so the chickens went every which-way. He chased the chickens toward me while I corralled them: I left the doors to the hen house and run open so they would go in when herded that way. Unfortunately, after I got the chickens in and shut the door to the run, one of the cats got curious and went in the hen house. I attempted to chase him out, but he went through the pop door, down the ramp and into the run with the chickens. So, now I had the cat locked in the coop. My son went in after him and, with chickens squawking, wings flapping, and my son's long legs all over the place, he finally got his hands on the reluctant cat.

The following day, my son convinced me to allow the chickens to roam free, which went pretty well .... until the cat started to stalk them. After a failed attempt to pounce, I captured the cat and put him in the chicken tractor. Cat in tractor, hens running loose. It was the silliest thing I've seen in a long time.

My son still won't pick up a chicken ... doesn't like the flapping wings and the jumping around of an excited hen.
He’s going home today. I think he’s had his fill of the country life for now.
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I read a ckunkily-written "news" story where it was speculated that the blue egg gene in chickens might be a virus induced mutation ... If that is indeed how the first blue egg chicken breeds happened many years ago, then it's right up there with with the virus that causes striped tulips as "cool" viruses in my opinion. But the author/reporter didn't make it clear it isn't a disease, which is irresponsible, IMO.

Ok I get that. Like striped tulips. And weeping willow trees. Super interesting.
My suburban son, who likes the idea of self-sustainability but isn't fond of picking up chickens, was here this weekend. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I had the girls out foraging in their portable pens/tractor and he watched as I lead them back to the coop for supper with a bag of mealworms. The cats got into the act, so the chickens went every which-way. He chased the chickens toward me while I corralled them: I left the doors to the hen house and run open so they would go in when herded that way. Unfortunately, after I got the chickens in and shut the door to the run, one of the cats got curious and went in the hen house. I attempted to chase him out, but he went through the pop door, down the ramp and into the run with the chickens. So, now I had the cat locked in the coop. My son went in after him and, with chickens squawking, wings flapping, and my son's long legs all over the place, he finally got his hands on the reluctant cat.

The following day, my son convinced me to allow the chickens to roam free, which went pretty well .... until the cat started to stalk them. After a failed attempt to pounce, I captured the cat and put him in the chicken tractor. Cat in tractor, hens running loose. It was the silliest thing I've seen in a long time.

My son still won't pick up a chicken ... doesn't like the flapping wings and the jumping around of an excited hen.  :cd   [COLOR=333333]He’s going home today. I think he’s had his fill of the country life for now.[/COLOR]

This would have made a hilarious video. Your son sounds very brave despite his dislike of handling chickens! Kudos to him. And Eggatha Christie got me laughing. A Murder is Clucked! Murder at the Hatchery!
This would have made a hilarious video. Your son sounds very brave despite his dislike of handling chickens! Kudos to him. And Eggatha Christie got me laughing. A Murder is Clucked! Murder at the Hatchery!

Hmmmm. Me thinks I may see a part-time retirement career in my future. I already have the titles, now all I need is the book. If I can pull that off, I won't have to work another 6 years! THANKS!
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