Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Ahhhh..... The folks who have the uber kitchen used mainly to heat up takeout are also the ones that impress themselves with their wristwatches. I've seen it, but I don't get it either.

That's what I was trying to say. I like nice things too but they have to be practical and be something I know I'll like for the next 15=20 years AND be something I'll be using. For example, I bake a lot (yeast based things, pastries, etc.). I can see spending money for a great appliance that will help me with that but if I wasn't doing all the baking I currently am, what would be the point of getting a great appliance for nothing?

This all reminds me of 2 couples I used to know through work. 1 couple spent a huge amount of money on an in-ground pool...neither of them used it because they didn't know how to swim. The other couple went to great lengths to find a specific breed of dog because that was the one they had seen celebs with and thought it was cute...the dog lived in a pen in the backyard and only saw it's owners once a day for feeding.

See, that's what I don't get.
My dogs get a big dinner but don't think it's enough. So towards the end of our meal they come sit near us at the table, burp loudly and point to the kibble pantry by turning their heads and looking intently. If that doesn't work then they start bowing and verbalizing and pointing OR "painting" our legs with their noses and pointing. I've been trying to teach the greyhound to trill, but he gets frustrated and does a "Stupid Human! Don't you understand?" bark.

It's all pretty funny to watch. I'm glad they've learned to communicate effectively. (Or, rather, they've trained us well)
My dogs would prefer, if the lottery were won, a bigger bed under the fan to lounge upon, followed by a ride in their new convertible to a drive-thru for burgers. Oh, and a yard stocked with slow squirrels.
I might agree with you, but the kitchen looked good ... it just wasn't the latest trend. The appliances were fairly new, but black, and looked good with the cherry colored cabinets. The counter tops were very dark/black Corian, which she switched out for granite. And, she's looking to stay in the home for the next 10-20 years, so I'm sure the trend will have changed by then.

Don't get me wrong. I've made sure my house and kitchen are very nicely decorated. Everyone loves it, including the guy who just finished appraising it. But, I wasn't unnecessarily lavish, buying top of the line granite, etc. I don't even have granite and don't want it, either. Too impractical for the way I live. For her, it was more than just the way it looks because it doesn't look that different, now. It was more about "It *has* to be the best granite, and stainless steel. Nothing else will do."
My kitchen is a disaster. Horribly abused wooden countertops (in that condition when we bought the house) that were horribly made. Boring, flat, white wooden cabinet doors. My oven is inside the house's original kitchen fireplace. My floors are dark yellow cork. There's not a single decoration in that room. No two appliances match at all. It's not an attractive room but it is functional. We've been too broke for the last five years to be able to do anything with it but things are looking up and I'm contemplating what I might want to do with it in future. It would be nice to have a kitchen that I find pleasant to look at.

Ahhhh..... The folks who have the uber kitchen used mainly to heat up takeout are also the ones that impress themselves with their wristwatches. I've seen it, but I don't get it either.

XD And I use my podunk kitchen to make almost literally everything from scratch. But...and it's worth noting - I used to not know how to cook either. The best I could manage for a long time was toast because no one had ever taught me. There may be hope for her if she wants to learn.
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My SIL was more at home on the dance floor than kitchen. This was pointed out when they returned from the honeymoon and stopped at the corner store to pick up milk, eggs and a loaf of toast!:rolleyes:
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