Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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"I can't believe you feed your chickens kitchen scraps, they should be eating chicken food not people food... My mother would have never...."

The have free feed of layer food and only get scraps that are safe/healthy for chickens.

*eyeroll* I am picturing our foremothers on the prairie, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Purina shipment on the next stagecoach, fearful that their chickens will starve if it doesn't get there soon.

The reason human beings have kept chickens for millennia is that they are the original omnivores, miraculously turning garbage into the world's most nearly perfect food.

As a person that has NEVER ovulated, I have to tell you, describing eggs like that , while true., almost caused me to run from the room screaming crying and turning green...........
i actually used that line on my niece not to long before christmas, she saie "eeeeew! i will NEVER eat eggs again!" when the christmas party was at her house i found myself with 2 eggs in my pocket and put them on the back of her kitchen counter so they would not get broken... and forgot to get them. when i texted her that night asking her to give them to my mom she replied thanks for breakfast.
I keep a running ad on craigslist for eggs.

I understand, I live a little off the beaten path and it can be inconvenient for people to drive here for eggs. I have brought eggs to town to meet people if I am going to town for something else.

Yesterday, I got an email requesting eggs from a potential new egg customer. She said she would take 3 dozen eggs ( I sell them at 2.50 a dozen) if I met her on Saturday in town, which is 15 miles one way from here.

Then she went on to say if the chickens are fed non-GMO organic feed only. All this for $2.50!

I think I failed customer service, I wrote her back I would not drive 15 miles one way for 7 bucks under any circumstance. Furthermore, If I could guarantee my cage free chickens that free range everyday and are only locked in a coop at night ( My chickens are drug and medication free) ate only non-GMO organic fed I would charge her 15 dollars a dozen and still not drive 15 miles one way to get them to her....

One thing about being older retired and raising chickens for fun and not profit is my freedom to tell off the person that irritates me. ( she irritated me).....

Anyway maybe not the dumbest thing anyone said, but one of the more irritating things.
I posted an ad on CL for BCM hatching eggs and listed the price as $2 each. I got a reply:

"That is only 24 dollars per dozen.. that is cheap.. I would ask a lot more than that.."

When I responded with more info about the breeders, he emailed back that he was joking about them being cheap.

Should I congratulate him on his "Eggcellent Math Skills" ?
I posted an ad on CL for BCM hatching eggs and listed the price as $2 each. I got a reply:

"That is only 24 dollars per dozen.. that is cheap.. I would ask a lot more than that.."

When I responded with more info about the breeders, he emailed back that he was joking about them being cheap.

Should I congratulate him on his "Eggcellent Math Skills" ?

Ask him what his grades were in school on chicken math.... It appears most people on CL are like me, looking for a deal.
A deal? He's right - $24/dozen is pretty pricey for hatching eggs, unless you've got something really special (maybe you do, I don't know). You can get hatched out chicks for $2 a piece at most feed stores - and there are a bunch of people on craigslist near you selling hatching eggs in the .50/per range. We have a big chicken festival down here in the spring, and I can get BCM chicks for $2 a piece, and if I wait till the end of the day, get them for less than $1/each. Are you sure you're not overshooting your market?
Im a little brain dead now....a lady who bought five dozen eggs two days ago just drove up in my driveway, FURIOUS.

She almost THROWS cartons of eggs at me and demands I look at them.

So I do. Low and behold....exactly what I put in the carton. :hmm

So I asked what the issue was, making her even MORE angry with me.

Her: YOU said these were FRESH eggs!
Me: They are....three dozen were collected less than an hour before you picked them up and the other two dozen were from the day before....

So I pick one up, looking for a hairline crack I might have missed or some blemishand find nothing. so I look at the next few scattered throughout the cartons and same deal.

Me: What's wrong with the blue ones?

I explained egg color to her and told her I have a duck that lays a charcoal gray egg as well. Not pleased, she continued throwing a fit. I finally told her she could take the eggs or leave them, but I do not offer refunds unless there is something wrong with the egg. No crack, no refund.

I think I may have lost a customer. O.O
Im a little brain dead now....a lady who bought five dozen eggs two days ago just drove up in my driveway, FURIOUS.

She almost THROWS cartons of eggs at me and demands I look at them.

So I do. Low and behold....exactly what I put in the carton. :hmm

So I asked what the issue was, making her even MORE angry with me.

Her: YOU said these were FRESH eggs!
Me: They are....three dozen were collected less than an hour before you picked them up and the other two dozen were from the day before....

So I pick one up, looking for a hairline crack I might have missed or some blemishand find nothing. so I look at the next few scattered throughout the cartons and same deal.

Me: What's wrong with the blue ones?

I explained egg color to her and told her I have a duck that lays a charcoal gray egg as well. Not pleased, she continued throwing a fit. I finally told her she could take the eggs or leave them, but I do not offer refunds unless there is something wrong with the egg. No crack, no refund.

I think I may have lost a customer. O.O

What a hideous ignorant person. Better off not dealing with that one.
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