Dumor feed?


7 Years
Aug 9, 2012
Has anyone else had trouble with feeding their birds Dumor? I've always fed my birds Dumor, but since having bantams they had many health issues that pointed towards a nutrition deficiency. Since I switched them to Purina I haven't had any more trouble. I've always supplemented calcium, grit, and some extra protein. I also give them fresh greens and occasionally nuts and seeds. Is there just something wrong with feeding bantams Dumor, or is it something beyond that?
Hmm. My layers did very well on it..I'm not sure why the bantams had problems. I still have some of the chickens I used to raise on it and the oldest one is 13 now. My ducks did well on it too. They're all doing well with the Purina, but since only the bantams were having problems..I'm not quite sure what to think.
What type of birds do you have?
I use Dumor feeds as base component of my diets. My birds are expected to live many years so I also include other feedstuffs. No problems for me.
Most of my birds are games which are known for their longevity. Balance are American Dominiques that are reputed to live longer than than production birds.

I would not put all my weight on one bag or even lot of feed. Shelf-life and storage may have been an issue. Bad batch also possible. First thing I always do when suspecting bad feed is to simply get a new bag and inspect the run date prior to purchase. If problem not resolved then new feed but no assumption made that is fixer when other potential problems around.
I'v always stored my food in metal feed bins. There was a recall on the Dumor food in my area at one point last year, it had some type of mold found in it, so I thought it might be from that.I gave them game bird food during that time mixed with their old food and the D'uccles seemed fine then. Maybe the layer feed wasn't substantial for them? I hadn't tried giving them the chick starter. The food wasn't past the experation date, I always make sure to check that during the purchase.
I didn't even know what they were when I first acquired the breed, but I did see a couple times that some others who own the breed give them higher protein, but others advise against it. So I'm assuming that it's not just the feed at least.
I'm wondering the same thing. My big girls don't seem to have a problem with Rumor layer pellets but we have 8 week d banana cochins and silkies that have been on the Rumor chick starter/grower and our biggest Cochin chick has started shaking really bad and loses her balance a lot. Everything I've read points to a vitamin deficiency.
Some of my Silkies had that issue as well. I gave them rooster booster and that took care of it for awhile, but after a couple days of not giving it to them they went back to shaking. On the new food it doesn't seem to happen as often.
Wow, I guess I need to proofread lol. I ran to our local tractor supply and picked up a bag of Purina chick starter. They didn't have much in the way of vitamins and no rooster booster so I'll have to make a run to rural king this weekend. Its really odd though that she is the biggest one of the bunch, although they are all the same age but she's the only one showing symptoms. She's eating and drinking just fine just constantly shakes and loses her balance especially when she grooms. Thanks for your input. I'm hoping it helps her like it did yours.

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