Dust bath...oh my!


7 Years
May 4, 2012
Northern Colorado
We had some awesome "chicken TV" going on here this morning. Our girls are in a portable coop/run which we move around our yard, so they're on fresh grass all the time. This morning, we put in a box with some dirt and peat in it and oh my...it was hilarious watching them! They were flinging it all around, pecking at each other for their turns...reminded me of those MASH episodes where the nurses all lined up for the shower complaining that others were taking more than their fair share of time! Only 2 of the 6 can fit in it comfortably at once, so we're going to put another in so they can all enjoy.
chickens are a hoot.i have a masonary trough in my run,that i filled with dirt.they love it.the funny thing is their run is a dirt floor.and i never seen them taking a dust bath.so i put in the trough and their is always one doing their dust bathing.
They're so much fun to watch! I pull clover for them and they'll grab the leaves and run around with the stem hanging from their mouths like spaghetti strings till they get them all down!

I actually feel bad...we've had them for nearly a month and I didn't even think to get them a dust bath (bad chicken mommy!) It finally clicked yesterday when I saw them digging holes in the turf and fluffing around in them.

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