Dusty Chicken!!


Aug 4, 2022
Glenmoore, PA
My hen has been extremely dusty the past few days. My guess is she’s using the dust bath but not able to shake it all off. Is that normal? We’ve never had this issue with our chickens but we haven’t used wood ash in the past either and we recently (within the past few weeks) started mixing that with peat moss and sand for their dust bath. None of my other hens are getting like this. Every time she shakes her feathers it’s like a cloud surrounds her! Any Thoughts?
I have a couple that like to dust bathe in the fire pit; they never look clean and remind me of the Peanuts character Pig Pen- always trailing a cloud of dust. Only 2 or three out of our nearly thirty chickens do it. All our turkeys prefer the fire pit over anything else. Perfectly normal in my experience.
I have a couple that like to dust bathe in the fire pit; they never look clean and remind me of the Peanuts character Pig Pen- always trailing a cloud of dust. Only 2 or three out of our nearly thirty chickens do it. All our turkeys prefer the fire pit over anything else. Perfectly normal in my experience.
Oh good, that’s a relief! She shakes herself off and then sneezes because of the dust plume! 🤣 😬

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