dust bathing difficulties


6 Years
Jan 17, 2018
we have dirt in our run for the girls to take dust baths, but it often becomes solid, and i have to take a shovel and break off pieces and then there’s a bunch of smaller chunks that i have to break up. does anyone else have this problem? we tried adding ammend and that helped a little but it’s still doing it. ideas and advice are greatly appreciated!
Turn your run into a deep litter run. No more compact soil. No more stinky poop, and the birds will be able to dust bathe where ever they want to, as well as having lots of yummy eats from the deep litter. Added bonus: Improved feed conversion rate, improved immune system for your flock. AND, YOU WILL HAVE LOTS OF FREE FOR THE TAKING, BEAUTIFUL BLACK FRAGRANT COMPOST FOR YOUR YARD. NO EFFORT REQUIRED ON YOUR PART. THE BIRDS WILL DISPOSE OF YOUR YARD WASTE WHILE GIVING YOU A VALUABLE PRODUCT.
Try getting a large container (I’ve seen people use old tires) and filling that with some other fine material. The chunks might be forming because of some form of moisture. If you put the container in an accessible place that they are less likely to poop in it might help the problem.

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