Dustbath Locations


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
Where do your chickens like take their dustbathing pleasures? The garden, perhaps? Or maybe under a tree or shrub?

I was surprised to find my flock, since the ground is finally snow covered, dustbathing in a new location. Their usual place under my gooseberries is too snowy for a good romp in the soil. But where is a place that is free of snow aaaaand has ample, rich earth to flop around in? Apparently, under the propane tank in the yard is perfect. Nothing grows under it, there is no snow under it, and there is enough of a gap for even a fat marans to get under there and do some good dirt throwing while rolling about! But alas, there isn't enough space for the entire flock to dustbathe at the same time, leading to some conniption fits and vocal displeasure from those who are excluded at any time.
Where? Let me see if I can recall all the places. Under DH's shop, under the brahma coop, in three or four places in the yard. Just wherever they feel the need to stop, drop and roll.
where ever there is a hole and ianywhere i put potting soil most of the time i just open a bag of potting soil and put it in a plastic tub and they love it
Under the propane tank seems to be a choice area here too...lol. For some reason it makes me nervous though - I picture the "legs" giving out and that big ol tank falling on them.
I installed a really nice (atleast I thought it was nice) dust bath with soil, sand and ash. They totally ignored it and preferred to make their own. They even dig out around the foundation piers to the coop. I'm always filling them back in.
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A fav spot for my crew was underneath the staghorn fern. Privacy & room....


"A little privacy, please????!!"


The chicks will drop and roll anywhere Momma does! Catching a dust bath show really brightens my day!

Along the garage. It's dry right up against the foundation and there is a lot of old potting soil from past garden projects. They love it. In the summer, when there is cover from hawks, they like going under the shrubs and digging and rolling.
Mine have a patch under the coop that they use. If they are wandering in the yard, they either use the kids' sandbox or a patch of dirt under their sliding board.
It's been pretty dry here and I let them free range the entire back yard so it is pretty much where ever the first one that thinks about it stops and digs. We live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida so don't have to deal with... what do you call it? oh yeah, snow and frozen ground.
They can just dustbathe anywhere, anytime.

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