Dusting? Dipping? How to prevent parasites?

I'm currently dusting with DE... but that's it. I haven't previously had any problems with any kind of parasites (we've had pesky bugs in the coop) that are actually ON my birds... but how can I prevent that?

I just brought a new bird (currently in quarantine) to the property that came from a fairly dirty farm. I'd like to treat her as well before I officially introduce her.

I'm not asking about my new bird.. I'm asking about my CHICKENS. 🤨

Since this was moved to the dove forum I've gotten zero replies. Thanks..
You have plenty of replies to your question. (see below)
How to prevent mites/lice?
Keep wild birds out of your pens/housing the best you can - not always possible.
Deter and trap rodents.
Check your birds and their housing regularly. If you see bugs, then treat both birds and housing with a Permethrin based poultry spray or dust.
You mention your birds have dust bathing areas, that's very good.

One thing I do do is spray the exterior and interior walls of my coops/housing every so often, mine is old rough cut lumber and has a lot of nooks/crannies and places for bugs and crawling things to hide. I don't have a schedule, I just mainly treat housing when I think about it. Usually in spring when things are warming up, when it's hot rainy and muggy...I also spray nesting boxes.

Broody hens or old hens that lounge usually get a dusting of Permethrin powder. A sitting hen seems to be more prone to getting bugs.

Basically, just inspect your birds and housing. Keep some spray or dust on hand. I use dust on birds and spray for housing.

For the newbie. Dust her regardless. Getting a fecal float is always a good idea, if that's not possible, then I'd deworm her anyway. Use Safeguard at a dose of 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days.
She's coming on new ground, so do keep watch for symptoms and signs of Coccidiosis, she may not have resistance to the strain(s) on your property.

Hope that helps.

👇This is a good answer
Get some permrethrine poultry dust to dust the birds if you have problems arise. De is both inaffective and bad for you and especially your birds to breathe.
👇This is another
Best to treat your new bird with permethrin dust or spray, so any external parasites she might have aren't going to spread to your flock. Maybe also have a fecal run at your veterinarians, looking for intestinal parasites.

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