Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

The pictures are of some lovely true Dutch Bantams in Holland (variety Patrijs) in UK, (Partridge), in US (Light Brown). Serious breeders in US and Canada have these DUTCH Dutch Bantams==no hatchery "dutch" or crosses with OEGB. You will see them at Shows across the US and Canada--gorgeous and. for the most part, friendly little bantams.

White ear lobes and blue legs, do not make a Dutch DUTCH. LOTS more,
Hard to find them from a breeder at this time of year. Demand takes most by late fall, and hatching is slow right now because of the COLD winter--even laying has been light and not ready for setting eggs. The Dutch Bantam Society has new officers and is just getting moving again--will have up to date breeders listing on their Website, soon. Poultry Press monthly paper, often has ads by Dutch Breeders. Check back here, in about a month, may have late information. Be prepared for questions--new breeders are welcomed!:
Well, he isn't a Dutch Bantam. He may be a Black breasted Red Old English Game Bantam., more likely a Backyard Bantie--and maybe a lovely pet bantam!!
Hi, I've had this roo since last June and still am not sure what breed he best matches. I want to get him some ladies more his color and size(all his ladies now are LF). He is right at 1 1/2lbs. I saw blue splash Dutch bantam in a hatchery catalog. Do you think that would be a good breeding for this roo?

Any breed suggestions to pair him with would be appreciated. Thanks

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