Dutch Hookbill Hatch!

Based on your breed stock do you have a hopeful projection for annual egg production? What are the hookbills typically expected to produce?

Hookbills are very good egg layers, and there's some thought that they derived from the Indian Runner, one of the best egg-laying breeds. I'm not sure how many males and females I have yet because I didn't sex them as babies, but some sources say the females can lay over 225 eggs a year.
Can I offer you an emu picture instead? Lol.


But yes, I really do need to snap some new Hookbill pictures.
Thank you very much! - I was in dire need of something cute!
Tried to install my new laser-printer today and no longer feel like an IT-professional but …
Any ideas on colors so far?

Some grays, for sure. A white. Golden aleutian was the breeder's guess for one of my chocolate ones. I have two chocolatey ones, so we'll see how they turn out. A couple really dark ones that might turn out to be either dusky or one is so dark I suspect it might be self black.

Gonna be fun to see how they feather :)

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