Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?


Apache is lying on his side again, which means... his condition seem to be worsening again.
At least, he is not in pain...

Yesterday, because of the rain, I had to let him confined in his run...
But today, I got him out, and so tried to make him use the wheelchair for the first time by hanging him to it with a (too big) dog harness and belts...
DidNOT work : he let himself hung by the belts without trying to walk...

So, since he does not want to exercise, I decided to shower him in the morning : I did clean his butt and feet, since he get dirty easily AND I thought it would help him be more comfortable at least...

Afterwhat, my mom gave me a cat harness she bought this morning, so I could hang Apache to the wheelchair with that.
Size is PERFECT : I put it around hips-level, putting Apache legs in the two holes... but again : in spite of that, Apache does not make any effort.

And because of the face he is lying on his side for now, I don't know... could it be actually too late to make him walk?
Is it normal for him to not want to walk in the wheelchair? (He CAN move it easily with it, since it is so light...!)
I would be disappointed, and feel so guilty, if I did not use a wheelchair earlier for him...!!

Does somebody know what I could do to help him walking with the wheelchair?
Does somebody know what I could do to help him walking with the wheelchair?
:hugs Sorry to hear he’s not recovering anymore. I wouldnt bother him with the wheelchair. Maybe he is just too sick or too weak. Or maybe he has just a bad day and is doing better again tomorrow?

Be prepared he won’t recover though. If so just ease his life with a nice and comfy nest.
If you cant cull a sick bird because of your own feelings maybe you shouldnt have birds... You are prolonging its suffering is all.
Sorry to hear that Apache is in decline. At this point, set him up in a small area out of the weather with lots of bedding to make him comfortable. Provide close access to food and water. Clean him up as needed and just provide supportive care. It sounds like the wheelchair won’t work because he’s too weak. Providing a dry area at this point, monitoring him, and attending to his needs is more beneficial for him than trying to make him walk. Help him live out the rest of his life comfortably. Again, I’m sorry your beautiful rooster hasn’t improved.
If you cant cull a sick bird because of your own feelings maybe you shouldnt have birds... You are prolonging its suffering is all.
Hard to tell if the rooster is in pain. And its not certain he is dying until you know what is wrong or he does.

Imho: If its clear an animal is sick , is in pain and has no or hardly any chance to recover it’s good/okay to end the misery he’s in. Preferably painless.

But often its not clear what is wrong, I find it strange to advice someone else to kill sick animals just because they are sick.

I wouldnt bother him with the wheelchair. Maybe he is just too sick or too weak.

And I was so proud to have made this wheelchair, and so happy for Apache...

I don't understand, because he can move all of his legs... so his muscles are not too affectec by whatever he has, right?
And with physical rehabilitation and all... he should continue to hold his weight!

Or maybe he has just a bad day and is doing better again tomorrow?

I so hope you are right...
Or I would not understand. Boy was doing so good...

If you cant cull a sick bird because of your own feelings maybe you shouldnt have birds...

By this logic, people who can not kill animals should not have any to begin with...?

But personally, I don't even have any other choice anymore than to own birds : I have severe allergies - and more and MORE of them -, and the eggs from my birds are literraly one of the only thing I can still eat...

You are prolonging its suffering is all.

What I did prolong until now was Apache's life, and he is not in pain anymore.

Sometimes, waiting for a miracle pays!

Sorry to hear that Apache is in decline. At this point, set him up in a small area out of the weather with lots of bedding to make him comfortable. Provide close access to food and water. Clean him up as needed and just provide supportive care. It sounds like the wheelchair won’t work because he’s too weak. Providing a dry area at this point, monitoring him, and attending to his needs is more beneficial for him than trying to make him walk. Help him live out the rest of his life comfortably. Again, I’m sorry your beautiful rooster hasn’t improved.

Thank you for your support.

I really don't understand... he was doing so good! And now, he is lying on his side, and does not eat anymore...
(I did give him water in his beak, at least!)

I hope it is just a bad day, and he will be better tomorrow?
@Papaye there is just one more thing I’d like to add. I’ve been watching your posts about Apache and haven’t commented since the beginning. In my opinion ONLY, I think that proper nutrition would’ve been his greatest chance at recovery. Constant pet food really isn’t the best for him. Any vitamin and mineral supplement, along with a protein-rich chick/adult chicken food etc would have been the best choice for him. You’ve stated that you have problems getting him to eat anything aside from pet food. If he’s hungry, he will eat whatever you give him. If he doesn’t like chicken feed, mix a little something in with it that he does like. I just feel really bad for him, that he’s struggling so much to survive. You’ve gotten a lot of good advice from other members. My thinking is that you need to keep things simple for Apache. Give him good nutrition designed for chickens and keep him dry and comfortable. His best chance at recovery, I believe, would be the vitamins and minerals with chicken feed. Like I said, It’s ONLY my personal opinion. I hope for the best outcome for Apache.

And I was so proud to have made this wheelchair, and so happy for Apache...

I don't understand, because he can move all of his legs... so his muscles are not too affectec by whatever he has, right?
And with physical rehabilitation and all... he should continue to hold his weight!

I so hope you are right...
Or I would not understand. Boy was doing so good...

By this logic, people who can not kill animals should not have any to begin with...?

But personally, I don't even have any other choice anymore than to own birds : I have severe allergies - and more and MORE of them -, and the eggs from my birds are literraly one of the only thing I can still eat...

What I did prolong until now was Apache's life, and he is not in pain anymore.

Sometimes, waiting for a miracle pays!

Thank you for your support.

I really don't understand... he was doing so good! And now, he is lying on his side, and does not eat anymore...
(I did give him water in his beak, at least!)

I hope it is just a bad day, and he will be better tomorrow?
If he is still able to consume water, make sure you mix in a vitamin and mineral supplement to help give him a boost.
@Papaye there is just one more thing I’d like to add. I’ve been watching your posts about Apache and haven’t commented since the beginning. In my opinion ONLY, I think that proper nutrition would’ve been his greatest chance at recovery. Constant pet food really isn’t the best for him. Any vitamin and mineral supplement, along with a protein-rich chick/adult chicken food etc would have been the best choice for him. You’ve stated that you have problems getting him to eat anything aside from pet food. If he’s hungry, he will eat whatever you give him. If he doesn’t like chicken feed, mix a little something in with it that he does like. I just feel really bad for him, that he’s struggling so much to survive. You’ve gotten a lot of good advice from other members. My thinking is that you need to keep things simple for Apache. Give him good nutrition designed for chickens and keep him dry and comfortable. His best chance at recovery, I believe, would be the vitamins and minerals with chicken feed. Like I said, It’s ONLY my personal opinion. I hope for the best outcome for Apache.

Thank you!!!

Apache also eats some duck/good pellets these days. Not a lot, but it is better than nothing...

These pellets are actually what we give to chicks and ducklings, in my area. (They have just changed what they call that not long ago : before, they were sold specifically for ducklings and chicks, but even if they are now sold for geese and ducks, the pellets are really the same.)

Sometimes, I give him cooked eggs... but only the yolk actually : he does not eat the white of the eggs anymore.

...When he was literally dying, wet pet food was the only thing that kept him alive, because it kept him hydrated AND he refused to eat other food...

That is why, in addition of the fact he keeps refusing to drink, I'm kind of afraid to completely remove it from his diet : I'm scared he would let himself starve if he does not have access at his favorite food...

I can get him to drink by putting water directly in his beak, at least; so I can always keep him hydrated by myself if needed...

So : I will just do like you recommend!!
I wanted to begin today, actually; but his condition worsening, I just did not dare to cut wet pet food from his diet...

I have all he could need : chick crumbs, pellets, Premium Mix for Poultry... his Multijuice Vitamins, of course...!
I hope changing his diet and continuing to give him vitamins will make him better!
(I actually did give vitamins again today. I felt he needed them, when I saw he was worsening again...)

Thank you for your help.
What you say is logical, and know I'm very thankful for your comment, and for all what people can recommend to me!
Thank you!!!

Apache also eats some duck/good pellets these days. Not a lot, but it is better than nothing...

These pellets are actually what we give to chicks and ducklings, in my area. (They have just changed what they call that not long ago : before, they were sold specifically for ducklings and chicks, but even if they are now sold for geese and ducks, the pellets are really the same.)

Sometimes, I give him cooked eggs... but only the yolk actually : he does not eat the white of the eggs anymore.

...When he was literally dying, wet pet food was the only thing that kept him alive, because it kept him hydrated AND he refused to eat other food...

That is why, in addition of the fact he keeps refusing to drink, I'm kind of afraid to completely remove it from his diet : I'm scared he would let himself starve if he does not have access at his favorite food...

I can get him to drink by putting water directly in his beak, at least; so I can always keep him hydrated by myself if needed...

So : I will just do like you recommend!!
I wanted to begin today, actually; but his condition worsening, I just did not dare to cut wet pet food from his diet...

I have all he could need : chick crumbs, pellets, Premium Mix for Poultry... his Multijuice Vitamins, of course...!
I hope changing his diet and continuing to give him vitamins will make him better!
(I actually did give vitamins again today. I felt he needed them, when I saw he was worsening again...)

Thank you for your help.
What you say is logical, and know I'm very thankful for your comment, and for all what people can recommend to me!
Since the beginning, I haven’t commented much, but I’ve been silently following Apaches fight. I hear about his determination to continue living, and I admire the amount of care and love you have given him. I’ll continue to read your updates, ALWAYS hoping for good news. Keep him warm, loved, and fed well. See how it goes. That might be all he needs at this point.

Apache today :


I just hung him to the wheelchair with a cat harness and belts, since he is feeling better today - strangely... and also because I needed to put some Cade Oil on his heels/ankles : skin is tender there (since he is always sitting on his legs), and I noticed yesterday evening that Apache was in pain again; and... I felt this morning his pains were coming from his right leg, just where his skin is so tender...?


So, I hung Apache to the wheelchair, but facing the closed side... just so I could put Cade Oil on his legs correctly...
(...Normally, I would make him face the open side!)


He is letting himself hang by the belts, and even if I did not put him in there for now so he could walk by using it... I still just don't understand why he is not moving?

I mean... I know yesterday I told Apache's condition was worsening again, but today, he is better; and even if I am not sure why exactly, he looks like if yesterday did not happen...?

...He has not lied on his side even once today...

Actually, even if he was suffering yesterday evening, he was not in pain this morning... at least, until 11 hours or so - but to help him, I was fast to give him a painkiller, and it is thanksfully working greatly...

(I noticed one thing : when Apache is in pain, his comb darkens so much it looks black-ish/purple-ish...
I first thought it was an oxygen problem, then that it was frosbite... but I am 100% sure now his comb darkens specifically when he is suffering, since the colour is ALWAYS such as when he is in pain...)


Also : today, Apache has had wet cat food only when I did give him is painkiller, but only so I would be sure he eats it...
Otherwise, I did give him a mix of duck/goose pellets, Premium Mix for Poultry, and Multivitamins Juice...
...And he ate it!
Thanks God...!!

I don't know what to do better for now...

Last evening, I thought to put more straw in Apache's coop, so he would be warmer for the night; and so he would heal faster, and thus not be in pain anymore...
...Of course, also taking into account the fact that I am also letting the (extreme temperature) blanket to cover his coop - in spite of the warmer temperatures of these days!
...It at least helps.

But : if somebody knows HOW I could do better, and especially make Apache walk by using the wheelchair...?
I'm always grateful for the recommendations!

Since the beginning, I haven’t commented much, but I’ve been silently following Apaches fight. I hear about his determination to continue living, and I admire the amount of care and love you have given him. I’ll continue to read your updates, ALWAYS hoping for good news. Keep him warm, loved, and fed well. See how it goes. That might be all he needs at this point.

Thank you very, very much!!
That's very kind of you, and I'm really thankful for your support!

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