Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

Imho you should do as @WoDia and I were saying yesterday. Give him a comfortable nest, food and water. Don’t hustle. Leave him be.

Good luck and 👋

I hung him to put Cade Oil on his legs, and I am letting him hanging for now so he does not lie again on his heels/ankles (since doing so cause him pain if he is not on painkiller) for some hours...

I am observing Apache, and he is now struggling to get out of his harness (and belts)...
That means he is moving, and he actually has a lot of energy... which is really good!

Thanks to the fact I have been monitoring his movements since I hung him to the wheelchair, I now also know exactly what is the problem with Apache...
why he can not walk like he would want to : he simply can not take steps back - meaning by that he can not pull his legs back, and so, make "big" legs movements.
It is what is causing him so much problem to walk...

Seems to be located thighs/hips level, but muscles are working thanksfully... and apparently just need strengthening!

Apache today :

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I just hung him to the wheelchair with a cat harness and belts, since he is feeling better today - strangely... and also because I needed to put some Cade Oil on his heels/ankles : skin is tender there (since he is always sitting on his legs), and I noticed yesterday evening that Apache was in pain again; and... I felt this morning his pains were coming from his right leg, just where his skin is so tender...?

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So, I hung Apache to the wheelchair, but facing the closed side... just so I could put Cade Oil on his legs correctly...
(...Normally, I would make him face the open side!)

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He is letting himself hang by the belts, and even if I did not put him in there for now so he could walk by using it... I still just don't understand why he is not moving?

I mean... I know yesterday I told Apache's condition was worsening again, but today, he is better; and even if I am not sure why exactly, he looks like if yesterday did not happen...?

...He has not lied on his side even once today...

Actually, even if he was suffering yesterday evening, he was not in pain this morning... at least, until 11 hours or so - but to help him, I was fast to give him a painkiller, and it is thanksfully working greatly...

(I noticed one thing : when Apache is in pain, his comb darkens so much it looks black-ish/purple-ish...
I first thought it was an oxygen problem, then that it was frosbite... but I am 100% sure now his comb darkens specifically when he is suffering, since the colour is ALWAYS such as when he is in pain...)

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Also : today, Apache has had wet cat food only when I did give him is painkiller, but only so I would be sure he eats it...
Otherwise, I did give him a mix of duck/goose pellets, Premium Mix for Poultry, and Multivitamins Juice...
...And he ate it!
Thanks God...!!

I don't know what to do better for now...

Last evening, I thought to put more straw in Apache's coop, so he would be warmer for the night; and so he would heal faster, and thus not be in pain anymore...
...Of course, also taking into account the fact that I am also letting the (extreme temperature) blanket to cover his coop - in spite of the warmer temperatures of these days!
...It at least helps.

But : if somebody knows HOW I could do better, and especially make Apache walk by using the wheelchair...?
I'm always grateful for the recommendations!

Thank you very, very much!!
That's very kind of you, and I'm really thankful for your support!
You’re doing what you feel is best, I realize that. His feather condition and skin color (my opinion from seeing the photos) looks pretty good actually. No dirty, broken, or missing feathers. I think the best you can do for him right now is let him rest and regain his strength. Continue with the poultry food and vitamins. I appreciate seeing the updates and photos.
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But : if somebody knows HOW I could do better, and especially make Apache walk by using the wheelchair...?
I'm always grateful for the recommendations!
Hi, I just read this thread straight through from the beginning. What a journey! Your dedication is inspiring. :hugs

Apache does not understand what the wheelchair is for - that it can help him walk. Somehow you have to show him its function, and that his actions with his legs propel it. I do not know how you would do that. It may take two people, one to manipulate his legs and one to push the chair forward a bit at a time. Also, is he sitting directly on the metal mesh? That might be uncomfortable. Or is he in a leather sling? If there is some treat he really likes, maybe he could be tempted to reach for it as someone pushes him forward a tiny bit. Like a tiny bit of the cat food he likes. Make him work for his supper! Good luck!

Apache did not walk by using the wheelchair today, but he struggled so much trying to get out of his binds he actually got stronger : indeed, when I let him go (around 16-17 p.m.), he walked by himself - actually crawled, but whatever! -, and he walked more than he did for ALL the previous times...!

But, even if I'm glad that helped him to do so at last... after that, boy also had more difficulties to hold his weight than previously, because for one time he succeeded to walk (crawl), he felt back around 5 to 10 times trying to - totally pulled back by his weight...

Which is weird, because Apache is very light for a Brahma rooster, and today more so - probably because he refused to eat during the afternoon and the evening...
(But no strong muscles to hold even his so light body...)

He really feels skinny : his sternum is very protuberant, and I don't feel any fat or muscles touching around it...
...And when I was holding him up in the evening... I don't know : it hit me hard to notice how much he was light...!!

So, tomorrow, I am going to cook 6 or 7 eggs, and give him ALL the yolks...
and I'm going to do that for all the next days until he feels and walks better, and he weights more...
(...Would it be better to give Apache ducks' eggs instead of chickens' eggs?)
Of course, yolks mixed with Vitamins; and in addition to his favorite pellets, and Premium Mix for Poultry!

I have also to think to give him some fish sometimes...!!!

...For now, Apache is sleeping in his coop.

I'm glad I did put him in the wheelchair today : he was not a happy rooster, and he struggled terribly... but he did make some progress at least, and I feel I now better understand what is wrong with him, and so, what I could do better to help him.

Above all, I can confirm his heels/ankles (just in case you don't understand what I call that : that is his "knees") cause him pain, especially the one on his right leg.
I feel it is what could have been his problem yesterday; and it is a really big one, because Apache keeps sitting on these, since he (still - I hope) can not hold all of his weight, and so, stand by himself...

I have to find a solution to this problem, and quickly...

You’re doing what you feel is best, I realize that.

I am.
Thank you!

His feather condition and skin color (my opinion from seeing the photos) looks pretty good actually. No dirty, broken, or missing feathers.

Skin colour is good.
Which is relieving...!!

But Apache actually has some broken and missing feathers (the tail-ones)... only because of the showers : hard to see without glasses, and even if I'm being extra-careful when I soap him, he moves a lot in the shower since he does not like its floor...
Nothing serious or worrying; ah, ah!

Hi, I just read this thread straight through from the beginning. What a journey! Your dedication is inspiring. :hugs

Wow... You had to take a lot of your time to read all of that!
Thank you!!

Somehow you have to show him its function, and that his actions with his legs propel it. I do not know how you would do that.

Yes. You are right!!

I did think about it when I was getting impatient to have him move, so I did try to show him how to walk (in the wheelchair) - but actually more so because I felt he did not know how to walk anymore than because of the fact I thought he would not know how to use it...

I did it like if I was a physiotherapist (I'm not), and I delicately moved each one of his legs, several times, like if he was walking.

I don't know if it taught him something, but he did try to move one leg (his left) several times after that...
I also could test his muscles doing so... and I can tell there is no problem other than the need for Apache to strenghten himself : no paralyzis, or whatever blocking... and even no feelings of pain!

It may take two people, one to manipulate his legs and one to push the chair forward a bit at a time.

I had some difficulties trying to do both; indeed!

Also, is he sitting directly on the metal mesh? That might be uncomfortable.

He is not sitting on the metal mesh.

I have 12 centimeters of the metal mesh in the inside of the wheelchair, each side... but these are there just so I could put a bowl of food on them if needed.
(But I probably will have to put food higher...)

If I put Apache in the middle of the wheelchair - like I did on the pictures - , he can not sit on the mesh.

Or is he in a leather sling?

It is a nylon cat harness, small size.
Actually comfortable...! (But probably not the best...)

I put Apache's legs in the two holes, and I secure the harness around his hips.

I tested to see if the harness was too small, or hurting him because of his protuberant sternum... but nothing of such : size is perfect, and nylon more so for a so skinny rooster!

(I previously tried to hold his weight with a dog harness put around his chest ANDsecured between his wings, but it was just not working...)

If there is some treat he really likes, maybe he could be tempted to reach for it as someone pushes him forward a tiny bit. Like a tiny bit of the cat food he likes. Make him work for his supper! Good luck!

Thank you for this excellent idea!

Since he has so much energy when he is hung on the wheelchair... maybe it could actually work?
Would be great. I'm trying that tomorrow...!!

Another thought. The wheelchair, being made of metal, MAY be too heavy for him to move, being in a weakened state. Just a thought.

The wheelchair is sufficiently light, thanksfully.

...My mom first recommended to me to make a wooden wheelchair with the wood panels I kept aside, but I was afraid it would be too heavy if I used wood...

So, I just used the lighter metal mesh I had (because the other ones were too heavy, indeed), and the wheels are also really great (and I did not even expect that for furniture wheels!).

When Apache was hung by the dog harness, he tried at all costs to free himself, and was so annoyed he actually succeeded to move the wheelchair.
(But he did not walk with it : he just moved the thing.)
Wonderful! You have given this much thought. I only ask because of course we are not there and cannot see. I am glad some of my suggestions might be helpful. I have one or two others. First, instead of showering Apache, could you sit him in a deep bowl so you only bathe his bottom where he is dirty and not get him wet all over? That might be easier for him - and for you! Second, I would really think he should be eating food formulated for chickens, not for cats or dogs since their nutritional needs are so different. But I understand he eats what he LIKES. So maybe try this. Get his chicken food very wet and let it sit until it is the same consistency as the cat food. Then mix in a LITTLE cat food in it so it has the taste and smell that he likes. I really think he would heal and get stronger much faster if you did this. What do you think?

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