Dying White Leghorn Chicks Please help


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
The chicken coop
My daughter bought six at TSC last month or so ago. They were kept in the house for the first month and moved out to the barn with a light over the cage to keep them warm. They were doing good until this morning. When we went to feed them, there were two dead and a third one has since passed. She also has six bantys in the same brooder and they seem to be fine. The ones that died look like they had bloody stools as thier butts are pinkish and the three that are left are very quiet and I don't think they will make the night. We took the six bantys out and separated them and they seem to be doing fine. Can anyone help with what is going on with the leghorns? I have never seen this. Thanks in advance.
Are you feeding them TSC's Dumor feed? It is not medicated for cocci. You need to change to medicated feed (the med is amprolium) and treat the rest with Corid, which is also amprolium. If you can't get Corid, try to get Sulmet.

Offer the sick chicks anything they will take. Live culture yogurt, chopped cooked egg and dilute Gatorade might be things you have around, though it is better if the yogurt is plain. When you can get to a drug store, infint liquid vitamins will be good, the kind without iron.

I am assuming the problem is cocci, and of course I have no way to be sure, but it is likely, especially with the bloody stools.
sounds like cocci to me too. Look to see if there was dark or bloody droppings. They do not have to be on the ground to have cocci, non-medicated feed and medicated feed for that matter, can get cocci, but you should have noticed them humped up and vulture shape body, wings drooped.
Chickensioux asked a good question. If they are on cedar bedding, get it out of there. It can kill chicks.
They are about 7 or 8 weeks old. They were on TSC's Dumor feed when she got them but now they are on chick starter crumble from the local feed store. There bedding is shavings from TSC.
TSC sells both pine and cedar shavings. I don't know why TSC only sells unmedicated feed, unless it is to sell more antibiotics. At my TSC there is a sign hanging over the chick feed to remind customers to buy some antibiotic, I don't even remember which one for sure, maybe duramycin. And I'm sure you know it is never good to give antibiotics without a specific medical indication.

Probably not much else you can do tonight except supportive care, trying to get a little food/fluid in them. Do you happen to have any pedialyte in the house? It is similar to Gatorade or other athlete-type electrolyte drinks. Hopefully your feed store will have Corid or Sulmet.

Good luck.
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We did have some plain yogurt so i mixed some with the feed and they did eat a little. I also dipped thier beaks in the water to make them drink a little so they don't dehydrate. I don't have any pediatlite on hand. I checked the shavings and they are pine and I didn't see any bloody poop but thier rear ends are all pinkish.
Thanks everyone for all your help.

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