e.coli tetracycline dosing amounts and egg withdraw


10 Years
Jul 24, 2014
WestOak, Nebraska
Ok, so the necropsy came back on the little pullet. she had urate build up and combined with dehydration, had gout and pneumonia scarring on her lungs.

They speculate she had battled e.coli, lived, but it left her compromised and just never fully recovered before she was shipped to me, which was just too much stress. She had very clean conditions here, and plenty of space and free water at all times.

I only had her two weeks to the day when she died. She was 9/10 weeks old when she was shipped to me.

So just for kicks, the whole flock is going to be treated with tetravet, tetracycline. Their instructions on the package are as clear as mud.

How much powder for each gallon? fresh batch every day of course.

For how many days?

Toss all eggs or are they ok?
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Ok I think I have it.

1Tablespoon per gallon. Clean and fresh very day for 7 days.

Do not eat eggs for two full weeks: the week they are actually on it, and the week following.

Is that correct?
Ok I think I have it.

1Tablespoon per gallon. Clean and fresh very day for 7 days.

Do not eat eggs for two full weeks: the week they are actually on it, and the week following.

Is that correct?

Your dosage is correct for the 800mg dosage. It can be given 7-14 days and make it fresh daily without adding anything to the mixture. There is a 21 day withdrawal period after the last dosing.

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