Ear infection??

A football field length away quarantined?
Did you change clothes and shoes and wash hands before nearing the other flock?

I'm afraid there really isn't a "regular" backyard chicken owner that has the actually space to properly quarantine.
They were in the garage for a while, in an indoor run. Lately they have been in their own cage about 50-75' away.

We are going to spray regardless and we will check all the girls for mites. Should we spray the liquid on them
Anyways? If so, just literally spray them? What if they get it in their mouth afterwards?
No such thing as a dumb question in my book. ;)

Thank you for all your help. Last question. So we went ahead and gave them a "bath" and we are cleaning their run and spraying it.

We found that some of the big girls have it, too. If they go to an area where the mites still are, as they free range, but they have been treated, will they be OK? Meaning does the spray stay on for a bit?

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