Earliest crow?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 28, 2011
What's the earliest age u have heard a roo crow? I have a 7 week old that is already starting as i heard several mini crows this morning!
I have a roo that started crowing at about 5 weeks. VERY annoying when its dangerous to put him outside in my nighborhood, so he sleeps right next 2 my bed. my own personal alarm clock. oh joy.
Well, our rooster didn't start crowing at a particularly early age, but we were behind in the building of the coop
, so they were still in a box in the bathroom...we'd go into the bathroom in the morning and our rooster, Perry, would be sitting on top of the shower bar trying his best to squeeze out something that resembled a crow! It was so funny!
No one will believe this but I have one EE Bantam roo that is now 6 weeks old. This is a hatch of two that I hatched out in my incubator. I have my brooder in the computer room. I was typing away when they were 10 days old and I heard this sound. Looked over and low and behold the little guy was trying to crow. I almost fell off my seat laughing.
This guy's comb turned red at 2 weeks!! I was amazed. This one is beautiful and intergrated with other chicks of different ages and he is not aggressive at all.
Yep! I had 2 very early ones like you. I couldn't figure out what the sound was at first until I realized the little guy was trying to crow! It was a very funny sound but a definite attempt to crow. It is actually quite cute until they get louder! LOL
One of my EE chicks from last fall crowed at about a month old, but I'm not hearing much from any of my chicks this spring and the oldest of them are almost 9 weeks. They are big boys, but I guess they are intimidated by the big roos and are keeping a low profile
My bantam EE is not even a month old and I caught him trying to crow! He was sitting as high up in the brooder as he could and squeaked out a choked chirpy trill that lasted 4 seconds, and he did this about 6-7 times! It was hilarious. He looked so proud of himself. It doesn't help that he is cross-beaked and looks like an idiot. His name is Nonsense. XD

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