Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?


My incubator set up--I live in a super drafty old house you can literally feel a breeze on your feet. Keeping temp steady is a constant battle. I'm trying wrapping it in towels this time to block cold air
I candled, weighed, and drew air cells on my 33 today. With my weighing on day 4 to be sure how their weight loss was going, I found I was hugely ahead of where they should be trending so I upped the humidity. FLASH TO TODAY: Air cells are on the small side for day 8 even though my weigh loss was in line with what it should be.
. I think I will drop my humidity back into the mid 30's and check again in a week.
. Although, I could clearly tell that at least 19 were viable... Oh yeah!!!!

Plus on a side note, I have someone coming to grab my 2- 7 week old cockerels I hatched out last. I was worried about getting rid of them but I've had tons of people wanting them! YAY no stew pot for them!

Yay for 19
And on re-homing the little guys - what breed were they?
I tossed them - they were obvious compared to the ones with veining and some that I could see movement in. I fear the "exploding" egg :sick

Lol. I fear that too. My five whole foods are clear but I only tossed three. I kept the other two in there because I ran out of time. Next time I open the incubator in a couple of days I will do a quick candle and toss those two if they are still clear.
Today is day 7 and I candled all 24 eggs. All 12 brown eggs are showing a lot of veins. The 12 Ameraucana eggs have good looking air cells but the eggs are too dark to see veins. No clears. I traced the air cells on all 24 and will candle again on day 15.
Today is day six and I decided to go ahead and candle the eggs. Of 29 eggs, 20 are fertile for sure. It's hard to tell with the Marans and Olive-Eggers since they're so dark, but we saw really good veining on the Ameraucanas. My seven-year-old is so excited! We will candle again on day 10… Hope everybody else's incubation and hatching is going well!

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