EARLY JUNE HATCH!! anyone with me?.

I have 10 chicks!!!
Can I join in?

My EE hen is 3 years old and not remotely interested in brooding. I saw her dating the Silkie rooster and the next day her egg was sitting alone under the feeder. She has always been a slob about laying her egg, like it's not even an event. Rarely, she'll ask for a lap and lay one there, almost by accident, like a little kid who suddently remembers he has to pee AFTER he's buckled into the car...........

So I love her dearly, and I love the roo dearly, and it occurred to me to put her egg under one of the broodies, and tomorrow is the egg's 18th day. Wednesday is the egg's 24th day. It has been brooded by a revolving team of 3 hens who generally fight over that favorite broody box. I don't think the egg has ever cooled longer than a half a minute. I marked it with a green crayon heart on the round end, so I could continue to collect the eggs layed next to the broody hens (there's no better place, according to my flock, to lay an egg than up under a broody hen).

Here's the biological EE mom with her best friend the Silkie roo, I'm hoping for any live chick. If its an EE hen or roo, I think I win either way:

This afternoon I fashioned a broody pen around the broody hen, put in some water and feed, arranged with our 3rd graders' teacher to allow a day off in case of pipping and zipping....
65 chicks & poults total.
Most of them were chickens.Out of the 5 turkey eggs I put,I got 2.1 did not developed and the other two are still in there.Sad thing is that I cant post pics
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Actually,my father had the eggs placed in the bator and I am talking as if I did myself so it will be easier for you to understand.He is not with me right now he is in my village.
I have a crappy phone so he cant send any pictures to me.I will ask him if he can e-mail them though.
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**DAY 15 AND DAY 11**

All is well so far think i will turn off the auto turner on the 12th of this month that gives the eggs enough time to settle to hatch?

Cant wait now! although it went quiet fast!..

Will update shortly
6chickens in St. Charles :

Can I join in?

My EE hen is 3 years old and not remotely interested in brooding. I saw her dating the Silkie rooster and the next day her egg was sitting alone under the feeder. She has always been a slob about laying her egg, like it's not even an event. Rarely, she'll ask for a lap and lay one there, almost by accident, like a little kid who suddently remembers he has to pee AFTER he's buckled into the car...........

So I love her dearly, and I love the roo dearly, and it occurred to me to put her egg under one of the broodies, and tomorrow is the egg's 18th day. Wednesday is the egg's 24th day. It has been brooded by a revolving team of 3 hens who generally fight over that favorite broody box. I don't think the egg has ever cooled longer than a half a minute. I marked it with a green crayon heart on the round end, so I could continue to collect the eggs layed next to the broody hens (there's no better place, according to my flock, to lay an egg than up under a broody hen).

Here's the biological EE mom with her best friend the Silkie roo, I'm hoping for any live chick. If its an EE hen or roo, I think I win either way:

This afternoon I fashioned a broody pen around the broody hen, put in some water and feed, arranged with our 3rd graders' teacher to allow a day off in case of pipping and zipping....

Ya sure more the merer
Update us with pics if you can!

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