Oh, I have been through earth quakes before, in Alaska. Yeah, I guess Alaska is telling me to " COME HOME" LOL I WISH!!! Guess my butt is stuck in this clay mud here in IN. Oh, I have experienced a volcano as well.
1992, we drove to Alaska....DH was in the AF. We was staying in temporary houseing untill we found a place to stay. DH went to work to "sign in" and tripped on a walkway, broke his ankle. I took him to the ER, and I heard people talking about a volcano, but wasn't worried, I figured it was in another part of the world. So, we get back to TLF...DH on crutches...4 kids...and I see people in the parking lot, covering thier cars with plastic trash bags, taped down. So, I asked a guy, whatcha doing that for? He pointed to the sky....very clouds and said, dont you see that?? I said...oh, hail storm?? He said, NO, VOLCANIC ASH!! So I run inside and grab the whole box of trash bags. We had a BRAND NEW hightop conversion van. Took me almost 2 hrs to get it covered..and LOTS of tape! LOL
I get back inside...and the ash started falling soon afterwards. We was in a blackout for what seemed like forever! The military police was driveing through the streets talking on bull horns, telling everyone to stay inside....keep all windows and doors shut. Oh, what a welcome to Alaska we had! I think when it all settled, there was 3 or 4 inches of volcanic ash over everything. What a mess! When it rained, it was a strong sulfer smell....P U !!
d.k :

"Roller" waves are kinda fun-- "Shakers" suck.

Ugh. You've got that right. The shakers are the ones that destroy houses. The rollers feel like a waterbed.
Thanks, d.k., I'll have to look for it.

OMG justusnak! You had me laughing there, but that must have been nuts to go through! Talk about your bad omens!

We had a good "roller" a few years back . . . no significant damage. I watched my cat freak out and run sideways across the front of the refrigerator! She looked like one of those Matrix characters, defying gravity for a few minutes.
I've lived in CA my whole life and have never felt a quake. I was still in the womb during the 89' quake, and my parents were in a store. My mom said the lights went out and stuff fell off the shelves, then someone came on the loud speaker telling everyone to get to the front of the store. Does that count? Im sure I shook around in there,lol. There was a quake last year and my dad was sitting about 2 feet away from me. He said his chair was rocking but I didnt feel it. We didnt believe him until we saw the kitchen light swaying, then my brother called us and asked us, then my friend called me, then the news came on and we heard about it. Im still waitin! I'd much rather face these "horrible, scary" earthquakes everyone fears than tornadoes! Scared to move to CA because of earthquake. COME ON! I've never felt one and Im 17,lol.
I have lived in CA for all but 3 years of my life. I still hate driving on the bay bridege thanks to Loma Prieta. I will go WAY out of my way to avoid bridges after watching that news over and over and over and over. I grew up in Marin right smack dab on top of the San Andreas Fault and we had earthquake drills 3 days a week when I was in elementary school. Get under your desk and cover your head. We felt so many it became a game to see who had the most accurate count. It was crazy!!

I moved to Kansas for 8 months in 88 and had a tornado not long after I moved there and it was the scariest thing ever. I do not know how people live through those things. I would die of heart failure!!
I'm in northeastern part of KY , was in Flatwoods to be exact at work, We felt the ICU floor kind of rumble and our desk shaked, we kind of joked and said must have been an earthquake...later at home I learned it had been one. Thank God for a small one .
I felt it too,
I was sleeping and all of a sudden my bed was shaking and my dad (who was getting ready for work) started yelling earthquake. I almost had a large shelf land on my head. I huddled in a corner with my dog

My 55 gallon fish tank moved 2 almost 3 inches off it's stand :eek: scary I'd hate to clean up that mess... and my 5 gallon moved almost 4 inches to the side.
I think the quake felt worse because we're in a mobile home.

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