Easiest chicken tractor ever.

Congratulations. On your babies! We have collected over 75 eggs since the 4th of this month. But first it was just 1 or 2 but now as many as 5 or 6 per day. I read that high producers will start as young as 4 months, but some breeds much older. My blue Andalusian is still freeloading too!
Ah, 75 eggs! That's so awesome ! I see you said that in your original post... don't know how I missed that (I'm a dodo!) My first batch of girls 2 years ago started laying at 4 months, but these new youngsters (which are mostly the same breeds) apparently just don't feel like gifting me with their lovely eggs any earlier than they have to!:hit

BTW; Happy Halloween everybirdy!
I love Halloween!

Did you see my decorations?
Ah, 75 eggs! That's so awesome ! I see you said that in your original post... don't know how I missed that (I'm a dodo!) My first batch of girls 2 years ago started laying at 4 months, but these new youngsters (which are mostly the same breeds) apparently just don't feel like gifting me with their lovely eggs any earlier than they have to!:hit

View attachment 1576379 I love Halloween!

Did you see my decorations?


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Ah, 75 eggs! That's so awesome ! I see you said that in your original post... don't know how I missed that (I'm a dodo!) My first batch of girls 2 years ago started laying at 4 months, but these new youngsters (which are mostly the same breeds) apparently just don't feel like gifting me with their lovely eggs

Hubby decorated our coop
BTW; Happy Halloween everybirdy!

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