East of the Mississippi All-In Swap

Are you requiring 6 eggs of all types, or just chicken? Because 6 goose or turkey eggs are a much higher value than 6 chicken eggs & 6 quail eggs are a much lower value. May need some clarification there.

Great thinking! I don't have anything but chickens now, so sometimes I forget the difference, I will edit it, thank you!

I think I have a pretty fair egg number requirement over on the Other Fowl thread if you want to borrow that section.
They lay really well and it is a pretty light blue egg. I have 3 laying 6 out of 7 days of the week. My EEs lay the best out of my entire flock, well as well as these guys. I thought my brown Leghorns would be the best layers, but no.
We would be interested in your sbels. Or EE combination. We Had Easter eggers that were suppose to be aracaunas before, and miss the variety in my egg basket.
I can offer buff goose, buff duck, rhodebar or dorking eggs.
Mine, swap page :)

4 Welsh Harlequin duck eggs
swap page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/mnhomestead-swap-page
i should have just sent you a $100 Amazon card and then you can just say mine and have one big giftcard lol. I will send it out shortly
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