Easter Egger (Ameraucana) egg color change?

Bells AZ

6 Years
Apr 18, 2015
Our Easter Egger was laying blue eggs. We have 8 chickens (1 Easter Egger) and we have had no blue eggs for 6 months. Is it possible that the Easter Egger is now laying brown eggs?
We had a molt during that period.
No, it’s not possible for them to go from blue to brown. That’s controlled by genetics. The raw material they use for that coloring is recycled dead red blood cells. Red blood cells are wearing out and dying all the time so there is plenty of raw materials. The eggshell shade can change but not the base color.
I agree with Ridgerunner. It's more likely that your hen is taking an extended break. How is old is she? EE's are not known to be the best winter layers after their first year.
She must be taking a break. I must add I have had Easter Eggers 4 times over the years & they have always been some of the earliest & most prolific layers. I never had EEs that were not productive in all seasons. Don't have any idea why your girls not laying.

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