Easter Egger club!

Good evening everyone! I've been reading about sexing Ee's and I have one that doesn't follow the coloring for roo's but has the 3 row comb at 6 weeks. It's the only one.. any opinions??
close up. Bonita
Cappuccino ( was a chocolate, but turning silverish)
All 6 weeks..

Cockerels start deepening in comb color almost right away while the pullets stay very pastel/pale pink until they are close to laying.
In all seriousness though, is she warm enough? I have a heated crate at night for any injured and recovering birds. It isn't heated much, it's one of those crate pads that maintains at about 75F. It's on just one side of the crate so the bird can self regulate temperature (cool side vs warm side). She's adorable but I'm thinking that's unusual behavior?

I'm pretty sure she's okay. Came in from a 35 degree coop. She actually was kinda warm the first little bit. Getting a chicken saddle for her then going to try and get her back out with the flock. We have warm weather coming so it'll be easier for her to adjust I think. She's still following around behind him tonight lol.
Here are my birds. All very sweet.

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