Easter Egger club!

I got most of mine at Bomgaars they usually say Ameraucana but they are easter eggers :) also if you are looking for bigger already laying swap or sales around your area but they are bigger not chicks

My girls are getting so big!
I am just in love with this EE's coloring
I call her Vivi
The new batch has spent their first few solid hours outdoors in their dog kennel, they're loving it, it's their first experience with fresh grass and even better, WORMS!

It's always amusing watching those first games of "keep-away" with the new flock, they've already associated "dad's trowel" with "treats"...

The existing flock of 3 laying hens (BO, PPR, EE) and two roosters (Silkie/Cochin Bantam and pure Cochin Bantam) have had plenty of opportunities to approach the newcomers, but have only given them apathetic, halfhearted glances, hopefully a good sign for integration ...
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As I was prepping to put the new batch back inside, as it's starting to get a tad colder, and they were starting to "puff" a little to stay warm, I encountered what had the potential to be a big problem...

One of the batch snuck out while I had the crate door open....

She stayed close to the edges of the crate, and as she ran behind it, Cooper seized the opportunity.....

.....to *herd* her back to me! (Good boy!)

As she approached me, and slipped between my hands and ran back towards Cooper....

...Cooper helpfully "pinned" her to the ground with just enough pressure from his closed muzzle that it prevented her from moving, indeed, she had entered a submissive "squat"

I gently picked her up, praising Cooper for an excellent job, and put her back in with her sisters, after about a minute where she would not leave her submissive squat, she returned to her original hyperactive self

This had multiple opportunities for things to go wrong, but in this case, aside from the initial escape, everything worked great, and Cooper proved himself completely trustworthy with the new batch, he could have very easily killed and possibly eaten the escapee, but he simply kept her pinned until I could pick her up and return her to the cage

Time to take Cooper for a ride and get him one of his favorite treats, a Mickey-D's hamburger, all for himself (no onions, onions aren't good for dogs)
As I was prepping to put the new batch back inside, as it's starting to get a tad colder, and they were starting to "puff" a little to stay warm, I encountered what had the potential to be a big problem...

One of the batch snuck out while I had the crate door open....

She stayed close to the edges of the crate, and as she ran behind it, Cooper seized the opportunity.....

.....to *herd* her back to me! (Good boy!)

As she approached me, and slipped between my hands and ran back towards Cooper....

...Cooper helpfully "pinned" her to the ground with just enough pressure from his closed muzzle that it prevented her from moving, indeed, she had entered a submissive "squat"

I gently picked her up, praising Cooper for an excellent job, and put her back in with her sisters, after about a minute where she would not leave her submissive squat, she returned to her original hyperactive self

This had multiple opportunities for things to go wrong, but in this case, aside from the initial escape, everything worked great, and Cooper proved himself completely trustworthy with the new batch, he could have very easily killed and possibly eaten the escapee, but he simply kept her pinned until I could pick her up and return her to the cage

Time to take Cooper for a ride and get him one of his favorite treats, a Mickey-D's hamburger, all for himself (no onions, onions aren't good for dogs)

Your cooper sounds like the type of dog I'm looking for!
Good job cooper belly rubs all around!
I am very happy with my EEs.
The one in front with crown feather is not an EE. Its a mixed brown layer but I think he is a roo.
I dont know if I have pullets in this picture.
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Stopped by TSC today to look over the EE selection . Did not have any . Plenty of other chicks . They said one more shipment and they are done for the year .

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